This is an update of the original guest script manager package with native vRO 8 presentation. Do not import in vRO 7 ! Tested on vRO 8.5. May work on earlier versions but this is not guarranteed as input forms bugs have been fixed. I do not have the time to validate it against previous...
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[Info] In this blog post we are going to look at an ABX action that allows us to run any (Shell, PowerShell, or CMD) script on any Linux or Windows machine deployment in any (Amazon Web Services, GCP, Azure, vCenter) cloud account in Cloud Assembly. Detailed description: ABX Action to Run...
[Info] Gets secret stored in AWS Secrets Manager [Inputs] awsRegionNameIn (String): AWS Secrets Manager Region Name e.g. us-west-2 awsSecretIdIn (String): AWS Secrets Manager Secret ID [Outputs] The AWS Secret Manager Secret For more visit: www...
[Description] - Syncs Blueprint(s) to Gitlab: - Syncs when blueprints are versioned or deleted. - Upon Assembly deletion blueprint can be deleted in Git or preserved by setting blueprint option blueprint option blueprintOptionGitDelete - All blueprints can be...
KEXT Custom Attributes via Products Overview Date Created : 12/4/2017 Supported Platforms : AirWatch version 9.2 Tested on macOS Versions : macOS High Sierra Purpose This shell script ( generates an array of 3rd-party loaded Kernel Extensions and writes...
Warning October 8 2020 Before upgrading to vRA 8.2 edit the version of the resource elements in the vRO designer (you can add a tag save and remove it for example). This will create a version in the local GIT repository that is needed by the upgrade process. Alternatively export...
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