CLS API Client This is a simplified wrapper around the Content Library APIs
CLS API Helper Helper class to perform commonly used operations using Content Library API
This sample will get you download your specified report against your object. Please feel free to change resourceIds and reportDefinitionIds according to your needs. As an example I just shared a screenshot for vSphere World. Find your vSphere World resourceID via UI #MIT ...
.SYNOPSIS This function updates the VCSA to the specified version. .DESCRIPTION vCenter Appliance Update Function .EXAMPLE Update-VCSA -vcenter vcsa-lab00.domain.local -ssouser administrator@vsphere.local -vcupdateversion \"\" .EXAMPLE Update-VCSA -vcenter vcsa-lab00.domain...
Postman collection for the Horizon REST API - documented here: Download Postman at: Directions on how to import a Postman Collection: runs/working with data files/ Works with Horizon 7.10 and later vmware-horizon-postman Postman Collection for VMware Horizon REST API REST API for VMware Horizon 7.10 and later Usage Install Postman from Either click the "Run in Postman" button (preferred) or Import the appropriate Postman JSON collection file into Postman Edit the collection - enter the following on the Variables Tab: Horizon Server FQDN Username Password Domain Click Update to save the variables Run the Login request to get the JSON Web Token - you can now run the other requests in the collection until the JWT expires
vRealize Automation - Management Service API You can use the reclamation service to query the VMs in an installation for non-usage and, if they are not in use, mark them as eligible for reclamation. Available Use Cases Get VM performance metrics Get reclamation work items Create reclamation work items Cancel reclamation requests vRealize Automation API Tips #POSTMANCollection #vRA #vRealizeAutomationReclamationServiceAPI #vRealizeAutomation #Rest #api vra management #MIT #vRealizeAutomation #POSTMAN
vRA Samples - Reclamation.postman_collection.json
SYNOPSIS This Poweshell script make a REST API call to an AirWatch server...DESCRIPTION To understand the underlying call check https:// #Rest #Apache2.0 #api airwatch mam v1 #AirWatch #PowerShell #API
4 Comments - I've tried using it - and similar other creations in PowerShell - but it looks like the AirWatch API is expecting the authentication to happen in the initial request, where this is waiting for a challenge prior to submitting the stored credentials
Creating queues with more advanced options like: auto expire, max length, deadletter queues is possible with the RabbitMQ Management HTTP API . This sample shows how to create a queue via the RabbitMQ Management HTTP API from Orchestrator with the REST plugin
Tanzu Mission Control API Postman Collection This is a Postman collection for the Tanzu Mission Control API...The commands in this collection use the v1alpha1 APIs, which are currently the latest release
Tanzu Mission Control.postman_collection.json
The current sample is a Jupyter notebook, which demonstrates integrating VI/JSON in pyVmomi scripts. More precisely: pyVmomi authentication against a vCenter deployment. Acquisition of the session ID from the pyVmomi stub. Event History Collector creation via VI/JSON. Latest events...