User can use this cloud template to create any appliance on demand. The cloud template has two inputs: 1) imageRef – an online ova file reference 2) ovfProperties – a list of ovf properties that the user wants update. An ABX action retrieves ovf properties in image via a private API call and add...
This java class is to deploy/import ovf file from a local path. #DeployVMfromOVF #Deployanovafile #Java #DeployOvf #ImportOvf #MIT #vSphereManagementSDK #vSphere
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This is a sample that uploads an OVA into VMware Cloud on AWS using the PowerCLI Import-VApp cmdlet. Requirements: VPN established between your onPrem environment and the Management Compute Gateway (MGW) in VMC Port 443 opened on the VMC Firewall for both destination Cloud vCenter...
The utility of codes to present the deployment of vm by ovftool. There are 3 parameters to specify: Source: the ova file to deploy Destination: the localtion on vCenter where to deploy. it is refered as a management object by its id. For instance, deploying vm in the resource tool ...