An Action Base Extensibility(abx) for VMware Aria Automation, which notifies Slack channel when deployments are done. Just download and upload it to your environment. made on: VMware Aria Automation Cloud For details check page: ...
User can use this cloud template to create any appliance on demand. The cloud template has two inputs: 1) imageRef – an online ova file reference 2) ovfProperties – a list of ovf properties that the user wants update. An ABX action retrieves ovf properties in image via a private API call and add...
ABX Flow to orchestrate ABX Actions for vRA Ultimate Notifications. Create deployment notifications and send to email and cloud-based notification channels. Completely replaces the out-of-the-box notification scenarios of vRA and allows multi-tenant customisation and personality. Full...
This ABX Action is part of the Ultimate Notifications ABX Flow - to create deployment notifications and send to email and cloud-based notification channels. Completely replaces the out-of-the-box notification scenarios of vRA and allows multi-tenant customisation and personality. Full...
No external services required :) If you have reviewed some of my other posts here on, you will know that I am a fan of the ABX functionality in vRA8. Something that I have been wanting to accomplish for a while is sending an email from an ABX. There are some awesome posts...
This ABX Action will automatically create and delete DNS A, PTR, and CNAME records as part of a vRA Extensibility Subscription. This ABX is written to work with Microsoft DNS server and has been tested on the following software versions: MS Active Directory/DNS Server 2019 vRA 8.5.0 ...
Recently I needed to create a connection to a Windows server and perform some operations on it. From there I wanted to run commands on the Windows server itself, and I didnt want to have to worry about double hop WinRM issues from PowerShell. I wanted something flexible that I could use as a...
More information can be found at #SSH #vRA #python #vRealizeAutomation #Apache2.0 #Python #abx