This script includes a function that reports the vSAN Cluster information for a vSAN Cluster. Information included is: Host configurations vSAN Witness Host configuration (if Stretched Cluster or 2 Node) Fault Domain information (if they exist) Preferred Fault Domain (if Stretched...
This script includes a function that reports the vSAN Witness information for a 2 Node or Stretched vSAN Cluster. Information included is: Cluster Name Witness Host Name Witness Uuid Witness IP Address Which Fault Domain is currently Preferred From the RVC: From PowerCLI ...
I started some of this with PowerCLI 6.x and have recently only used it with PowerCLI 10.x vSphere 6.5 Update 1 (July 2017) is the earliest build I've validated it on lately - Your Mileage May Vary on older builds. Have used it extensively on vSphere 6.7 lately. A VCSA already stood up in...
Module for vSAN Stretched Cluster & 2 Node I took some of my existing scripts and combined them into a module Setup requires the psd1/psm1 files to be put in a VSANSC2N directory under Powershell Modules or you can use Import-Module and the path to these. Tested on PowerCLI 6.5.4...
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This file includes sample code to configure a vSAN cluster as a Stretched Cluster or 2 Node configuration. The code has been tested with the following cases Testbed: One cluster with four hosts. Each host has one 50G SSD and two 100G SSD Preconditions: Please make sure your...