Script to loop through all edges in an enterprise, and dump all VLANs, IPs, and masks to a CSV file. #MIT #VeloCloud #VeloCloudOrchestratorAPI #Python #VeloCloudOrchestrator
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This script configures all the edges certificates to disabled in a customer that matches a build number. Please note that you need privileges to configure edges.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nYou need to install requests in your environment. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\...
This script configures all the edges certificates to acquire in a customer that matches a build number.\r\nPlease note that you need privileges to configure edges.\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\nYou need to install requests in your environment. \\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\nThis script uses token authentication so...
Sample demonstrating how to configure the source interface for DNS queries for a VMware SD-WAN Edge. Based on the reference Python client here ( This script assumes a Python 3.x installation. #MIT ...
Postman collection demonstrating usage of VMware SD-WAN APIv2's configuration API capabilities. This collection introduces APIs for Configuration of Edge device settings (both via profiles and Edge-specific overrides) #POSTMANCollection #VMwareSD-WAN #Rest #MIT ...
A Python script for performing one-off remote diagnostic actions (e.g. ARP Table Dump, DNS Test, speed tests) on aVeloCloud Edge via the VCO Websocket API for Remote Diagnostics. The output format can be specified as either HTML or JSON. This feature will be available in the 5.0.0 release. ...
1 Comment - no search term matches found in comments.
# Sample Azure CLI script that dddmple Azure CLI script that provisions a VMware SD-WAN Edge in Azure Greenfield # # Original file from: # # 2nic VCE version 4.2.1 (nic1 private, nic2 public)isions a VMware SD-WAN Edge in...
Simple python script that talks to the VMware SD-WAN Orchestrator API and sends a new email containing activation instructions for a new edge. #VeloCloud #MIT #VeloCloudOrchestrator #VeloCloudOrchestratorAPI #Python
Simple Python Script that uses vmware sd-wan orchestrator api to readdress vlan IPs of an vmware sd-wan edge using information read from a text file #VeloCloud #API #MIT #VeloCloudOrchestrator #VeloCloudOrchestratorAPI #Python #python
Simple Python script that reads aSimple Python script that reads a text file with Cisco Routers raw address and services groups configuration and builds object groups in vmware sd-wan orchestrator Not to be considered as best practices in using VMware VCO API Meant to be used in Lab...