First configure SSLv3 on vCenter Server and then proceed with the ESXi hosts
Syntax is: To Backup SPBM Policies to a Folder XFER-SPBM-Policies.ps1 -Server -Action export -FilePath To Restore SPBM Policies from a Folder XFER-SPBM-Policies.ps1 -Server -Action import -FilePath Example moving from an old vCenter to a new VCSA: Connect-VIServer <old vcenter> XFER-SPBM-Policies.ps1 -Server -Action export -FilePath c:\policies\ Disconnect-VIServer Connect-VIServer <new VCSA> XFER-SPBM-Policies.ps1 -Server -Action import -FilePath c:\policies\ Disconnect-VIServer #VMwarePowerCLI #vSAN #Restore #Backup #vCenter #powercli #Apache2.0 #PowerShell #VVols
2 Comments - You may need to update this line to make it works correctly in 6.7 (U3 in my case): Export-SpbmStoragePolicy -FilePath $FilePath\$StoragePolicy.Name.xml -StoragePolicy $StoragePolicy.Name -Server $Server -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Connects to the VC server 2. Creates a patch baseline with the bulletinID provided 3
Finds and returns the vCenter ClusterComputeResource with the given name, case-insensitive. Also demonstrates how to do a case-insensitive search via xpath, as supported by the Javascript version of vRO 7.x. Assumes there is only 1 matching cluster (will return the first). #Cluster #MIT...
Assign a vCenter tag to a VM via VAPI #vRealizeOrchestratorPlug-inSDK #tag #vAPI #vRO #vCenter #MIT #JavaScript #VcenterServer #vRealizeOrchestrator #tagging
Assign vCenter tags via VAPI using a single VAPI client to minimize session creation. Always creates nonexistent tags, and optionally creates nonexistent tag categories. #Orchestrator #vRO #VcenterServer #tag #vRealizeOrchestratorPlug-inSDK #tagging #MIT #JavaScript #vAPI...
.NOTES Author: Mark McGill, VMware Last Edit: 5/6/2022 Version 1.4 .SYNOPSIS Returns vCenter certificate information for all VCSA certificates, and optionally returns host certs .DESCRIPTION Returns valid...
1 Comment - no search term matches found in comments.
This is a must-have dashboard for those who wish to monitor vCenter Appliance partition disk space usage and vROPs disk space usage filling up as well. Both are critical as it can lead to an outage on both products. This dashboard covers the following. Are my vCenter Appliance Disk...
Per KB79248 " If the vCenter Server was deployed as version 6.5 Update 2 or later, the Security Token Service (STS) signing certificate may have a two-year validity period
13 Comments - (pointing to vCenter will return a "The LDAP server is unavailable." error)