Use Terraform to provision VM's to VMware Cloud on AWS. See full guide here #BSD3-Clause #VMwareCloudonAWSAPI #OtherLanguage #VMwareCloudonAWSAPI #vSphereAutomationSDKforREST
This sample shows how to use curl to authenticate with the VMware Cloud on AWS API's and perform a simple call to list the orgs #VMwareCloudonAWSAPI #VMwareCloudonAWSAPI #VMwareCloudonAWS #ShellScript #MIT
This sample includes a postman collection for VMware Cloud on AWS #Rest #VMwareCloudonAWSAPI #vSphereManagementSDK #POSTMANCollection #VMwareCloudonAWSAPI #MIT #VMwareonAWS #VMwareCloudonAWS
The SDDC Import/Export for VMware Cloud on AWS tool enables you to save and restore your VMware Cloud on AWS (VMC) Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) networking and security configuration
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Script which can be used to automate the process of adding new users to a specified VMware Cloud on AWS Organization #VMwareCloudonAWS #VMwareCloudonAWSAPI #PowerShell #MIT #VMwareCloudonAWSAPI #VMwareCloudonAWS
Use this script to easily deploy a 1 Node SDDC! #VMwareCloudonAWS #PowerShell #VMwareCloudonAWSAPI #MIT #powercli #VMwareCloudonAWSAPI #VMwareCloudonAWS
Java sample for working with VMware Cloud on AWS Organizations #VMwareCloudonAWS #Java #vSphereAutomationSDKforJava #VMwareonAWS #VMwareCloudonAWSAPI #VMwareCloudonAWSAPI #MIT
Use S3, Lambda, Cognito, and VMware APIs to create a static S3 website to deploy VMs from Content Library #vSphereAutomationSDKforPython #VMwareCloudonAWSAPI #MIT #VMwareCloudonAWSAPI #Python
This function attempts an authentication to the VMware Cloud Services REST API. If the authentication is successful, it returns the 'csp-auth-token' which is required in VMware Cloud on AWS REST API calls to perform REST actions
VMware Cloud on AWS sample PowerCLI module usage, find the module in the PowerShell Gallery here #PowerShell #VMwarePowerCLI #VMwareonAWS #VMwareCloudonAWSAPI #VMwareCloudonAWSAPI #MIT