Updated the UAG auto deploy and day 2 operations PowerShell scripting solution to version 12.1 to resolve an issue identified in field testing. Please use this version going forward and check the GitHub for the latest release version in case any updates are made in the future. UAG...
This script solution has been put together to provide a proof of concept and basis for automating UAG operations for Horizon deployments such as deploy and select day 2 operations. Thus far the fatures of this script are for use with UAG 3.9.1+ and may depend on the feature being used...
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. Automating rotation of keytab on Unified Access Gateway for Identity Bridging Use Cases Overview Author : Andreano Lanusse Email : alanusse@vmware.com Date Created : 10/14/2019 Supported Platforms : Unified...
Overview Author : Andreano Lanusse Email : alanusse@vmware.com Date Created : 11/04/2018 Supported Platforms : Unified Access Gateway 3.4 and above Purpose This script search for the Master appliance in a given Unified Access Gateway Cluster, it leverage the...
Overview Author : Andreano Lanusse Email : alanusse@vmware.com Date Created : 11/04/2018 Supported Platforms : Unified Access Gateway 3.5 and above Purpose This script automated the process of making available the Unified Access Gateway vmdk image into Amazon Web Services as...
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