Recently I needed to create a connection to a Windows server and perform some operations on it. From there I wanted to run commands on the Windows server itself, and I didnt want to have to worry about double hop WinRM issues from PowerShell. I wanted something flexible that I could use as a...
More information can be found at #SSH #vRA #python #vRealizeAutomation #Apache2.0 #Python #abx
[Info] In this blog post we are going to look at an ABX action that allows us to run any (Shell, PowerShell, or CMD) script on any Linux or Windows machine deployment in any (Amazon Web Services, GCP, Azure, vCenter) cloud account in Cloud Assembly. Detailed description: ABX Action to Run...
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[Info] Blueprint to test all types of remoteAccess. Includes also access via cloudConfig For more visit: #vRA8 #vRealizeAutomationCLoud #Assembly #vRAC #vRealizeAutomation #vRealizeAutomationCloud #CloudAssembly #blueprint #cloudConfig ...
SSH Access (All Types).yaml
vRealize Orchestrator workflows that can run commands on a SSH script host or remote VMs via script host Workflows: #vRealizeOrchestrator #cmbucontest #Orchestrator #vRealizeOrchestratorPlug-inSDK #vrealize #JavaScript #vRO #vRealizeOrchestrator #SSH #Automation ...