This PowerCLI script will return a list of local disks on a vSAN host as the vsan.disks info RVC command does. Disk information includes the name, model, revision, whether an SSD or not, use by vSAN or not, and Hba/Controller specific information. Disks are sorted ascending by the capacity...
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This script includes a function that reports the vSAN Witness information for a 2 Node or Stretched vSAN Cluster. Information included is: Cluster Name Witness Host Name Witness Uuid Witness IP Address Which Fault Domain is currently Preferred From the RVC: From PowerCLI ...
This script contains 2 Functions that can get or set the vSAN Proxy Configuration. These align with the following RVC commands: proxy configure proxy status #VMwarePowerCLI #API #PowerShell #Apache2.0 #RVC #powercli #Cluster #vSAN ...
This script can be used to: Add a license to vCenter if it hasn't already been added Assign that license to a specified cluster The script includes a function which can be invoked using the following syntax: Set-VsanClusterLicense -License "XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX" ...
This is the first of many RVC Style Functions that use PowerCLI 11 to mimic some of the tasks available in the Ruby vSphere Console for vSAN Requires William Lam's VSANUUIDtoVM Function, located here: ...