This script provides an example of how the product provisioning APIs of Workspace ONE UEM can be used for Android app deployments
Sample scripts which can be deployed to Windows devices via AirWatch's Product Provisioning. These PowerShell scripts will update the desktop wallpaper to the image named 'LaptopWallpaper.png' and when the device is un-enrolled will revert the wallpaper to 'LaptopWallpaperRemove.png'. Using Product Provisioning simply upload all of the scripts and download to '%Temp%\AirWatch' directory
Sample scripts which can be deployed to Windows devices via AirWatch's Product Provisioning. The main use case was to limit data overages from the mobile broadband card, while forcing devices to use LAN or Wifi networks as much as possible
Sample scripts which can be deployed to Windows devices via AirWatch's Product Provisioning. These PowerShell scripts will enable you to lock down your Windows 10 device into kiosk mode using a Win32 application (Desktop App)
Admins can then view the list of custom attributes at Devices > Staging & Provisioning > Custom Attributes > List View
Import Group Policy Overview Author : Chase Bradley Email : Date Created : 7/11/2017 Tested on Windows 10 : 1703 Enterprise Purpose This set of scripts will guide you on how to export and import group policy configurations from devices into AirWatch to push out to managed devices using AirWatch's Product Provisioning. Change Log 7/11/2017: Initial upload of Import Group Policy Export Steps Step 1 : Unzip the Setup.ps1, Setup.cmd and Import Group file to a folder