- spring-web-4.0.6.RELEASE.jar - spring-core-4.0.6.RELEASE.jar - commons-logging-1.2.jar - jackson-core-asl-1.9.2.jar - jackson-mapper-asl-1.9.2.jar - jsch-0.1.54.jar #NSX-TRESTAPI #NSX #NSX-TDataCenterRESTAPI #NSX-TDataCenter #MIT #Java #NSX-TManagerAPI #NSX-TJAVARESTAPI #NSX-TAPI
Register VC to NSX-T using API #MIT #NSX-TAPI #OtherPlatform #Python
NSX-T Manager Postman Collection - This zip contains a 141k line JSON to be imported to Postman. May take >5 mins to load in Postman. #NSX-TDataCenter #MIT #NSX-TManagerAPI #POSTMANCollection #NSX-TAPI #NSX-TRESTAPI
Get the List of Compute Mangers in NSX-T #OtherPlatform #MIT #NSX-TManagerAPI #Python
This script will perform the following actions, Register vCenter server to NSX-T Create Transport Zone in the NSX-T #NSX-TAPI #Python #VMwareNSX-TforPython #MIT
Pre-requisites: Python 3.7 or above Requests, json, argparse, sys, requests, glob, os, xml.dom, xml.etree.Elementtree, getpass python libraries installed Connectivity to the internet from where script will be executed Connectivity to VMC SDDC over HTTPS (443) Connectivity to NSX-T Manager or VIP over HTTPS (443) Follow steps below: Step: Download script by clicking Download button on this page IF VMC: Step: Copy VMC Refresh token Login to https://console.cloud.vmware.com/ Click My Account -> API Tokens tab -> Generate Token or Regenerate an existing token Token must have NSX Cloud Admin service role under VMC on AWS service
Make sure to change the host and hosts value in complete-example/cafe-ingress.yml file to reflect your environment $ kubectl apply -f complete-example/cafe-ingress.yml ingress.extensions/cafe-ingress created Note that there is a annotation in the file 'kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "contour"' which is essentially being listened by Contour on the api server. When Contour sees this annotation, it does the ingress for this service