An Action Base Extensibility(abx) for VMware Aria Automation, which notifies Slack channel when deployments are done. Just download and upload it to your environment. made on: VMware Aria Automation Cloud For details check page: ...
[Description] - Syncs Blueprint(s) to Gitlab: - Syncs when blueprints are versioned or deleted. - Upon Assembly deletion blueprint can be deleted in Git or preserved by setting blueprint option blueprint option blueprintOptionGitDelete - All blueprints can be...
This example shows how to get all Reservations from a Businessgroup. The action returns a Array of Properties with informations about the reservations assigned to the Businessgroup. #MIT #reservation #Orchestrator #JavaScript #businessgroup #Action #vRealizeOrchestrator
Searches a vCenter or all known vCenters for a StoragePod (Datastore Cluster) by name Ensures the search only matches one StoragePod #JavaScript #vRealizeOrchestrator #MIT #Action #vrealize #vRO #storagedrs #cmbucontest
This script is intended to be used as a vRealize Orchestrator Action. It will return an array of sorted VC:Datastore objects, sorted as defined by the sortType input (freeSpace, freeSpaceDesc, capacity, capacityDesc, uncommitted, uncommittedDesc, nameDesc) where "Desc" means Descending. If no...