DX Application Performance Management

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 Need to download the "Field Pack: Introscope Report ****"

LUKE KABAMBA's profile image
LUKE KABAMBA posted Jun 04, 2024 06:22 AM

Can you please provide the link to download the "Field Pack: Introscope Report ****"?

Haruhiko Davis's profile image
Broadcom Employee Haruhiko Davis

That is an old fieldpack that would only work with APM Classic (aka 10.8). I'll have to check to see if we have it archived.

Haruhiko Davis's profile image
Broadcom Employee Haruhiko Davis

The FP was just a *nix script which invokes Commandline Workstation (CLWorkstation.jar) to generate a Management Module report. Once generated, you can do what you wish (email, backup, etc). See the following thread. You can also see the CLW options by invoking it without parameters:


How to run CLW in Interactive Mode:

LUKE KABAMBA's profile image

Hi there,

I managed to locate the field pack on one of our old server and recovered it.

Many thanks