Hi I try with this command:
java -Xmx128M -Dduser=Admin -Ddhost=172.x.x.x -Ddport=5001 -Dintroscope.clw.tt.mode=Asynch -jar CLWorkstation.jar get historical data from agents matching (.*webappsalud.*) and metrics matching (WebForms_Authorization_(.*):Average Response Time \(ms\)) between \"2024-07-01 00:00:00\" and \"2024-07-07 11:59:00\" with frequency of 60 seconds
and the cmd view is this:
To write the traces in .CSV file i add
and the cmd write error:
- Error: Could not find or load main class Dintroscope.clw.tt.filename=output.csv
later i add:
- Dintroscope.clw.tt.dirname=F:\Program Files\CA APM\Introscope10.8.0.27\lib
and the error is:
- Error: Could not find or load main class Files\CA
How i can get metrics in a csv file?