ESP Workload Automation

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 Freeform filter for FTP_JOB's

Sravani Kolli's profile image
Sravani Kolli posted Dec 16, 2024 09:10 AM

Good morning, 

I am trying to find a way where I can only see FTP_JOB's alone for a specific time in csf panel. So, I tried using freeform filter, what would be the keyword do I need to use for jobtype. I tried something like below, but it didn't work. I would like to check if you can help with this filter set-up?

Note: Also tried to replace EQ with "=" but same results.

  1.  (((STIME > TIME(07:00AM DEC 11)) AND     
    (STIME < TIME(09:00AM DEC 11)) AND       
    (WT EQ FT)) AND                          

  2. (((STIME > TIME(07:00AM DEC 11)) AND     
    (STIME < TIME(09:00AM DEC 11)) AND       
    (Wob Type EQ 'FT')) AND                          

  3. (WOB TYPE EQ 'FT') AND    

  4.  ((jobtype = 'ftp_job') and (COMPLETE OR INCOMPLETE)) 
Jonas Dusil's profile image
Broadcom Employee Jonas Dusil

Hi Sravani,

the correct syntax for JOBTYPE (or WOBTYPE - it's the same) is


You see the Freeform Filter Syntax article. The WOBTYPE/JOBTYPE expect a WOB short name to be used so here it is FT.
To get the short name for any wob, please refer to WOBDEF initialization parameter.

If you have such a job in the CSF at the moment it might be easier to use 'LJ' CSF line command to issue AJ command against the job where the Wob=
is printed on second line of the output.

You do not have to explicitly say (COMPLETE or INCOMPLETE) in our filter criteria.

This is the syntax that worked for me combining the wobtype with the time criteria:

(WOBTYPE EQ 'FT') AND               
(STIME > TIME(07:00AM DEC 11)) AND  
(STIME < TIME(09:00AM DEC 11))      

Jonas Dusil's profile image
Broadcom Employee Jonas Dusil
If you need to monitor such job, you might want to consider using the ESP Web UI, where setting such filters is a bit more user friendly:
Jonas Dusil's profile image
Broadcom Employee Jonas Dusil

If you need to automate such query you might find using the REST API server useful as well - there /api/v3/jobs endpoint can be used to retrieve such jobs.

curl -X 'GET' \
  'https://{yourserverurl}/api/v3/jobs?query=type%3D%3D%22FTP_JOB%22%3BstartDateTime%3E2024-02-26T21%3A00%3A00.000Z%3BstartDateTime%3C2024-02-26T22%3A00%3A00.000Z&size=100&offset=0' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'

Query being:


(need to be altered for your time)

Sravani Kolli's profile image
Sravani Kolli

Thank you it worked!