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 All users get Whoops! We hit a snag error when opening User Stories

MLowry's profile image
MLowry posted Jun 18, 2024 04:26 PM

All users get Whoops! We hit a snag error when opening User Stories

I've followed the instructions found in the bellow articles many many times and nothing has changed




The issue happens with new users that didn't exist before.

I read that support can enable a Preference Viewer option next but how do I get a hold of support?  

Any one figure out an answer to this problem?

Kasper Bengtsen's profile image
Kasper Bengtsen

The problem is gone now for me.

MLowry's profile image

My issue was eventually resolved by the Rally gods.  Here is hoping I don't catch their ire again in the future.  

Nate Bever's profile image
Broadcom Employee Nate Bever

Thank you both for letting us know you are no longer seeing this issue.

This was ultimately caused by the combination of some internal changes we needed to make to our editors and subscriptions that did not have the "Rally Portfolio Manager" module enabled.  A patch was deployed yesterday to correct this errant behavior and we're happy to hear that it was successful for you both.