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Feb 13, 2015 04:04 PM

CMMT/XOMT (Cross Memory Master Terminal and Extended Operations Master Terminal) is an external/internal monitor for IDMS which was put into the public domain (open sourced) by Neon systems after they acquired the product from Inner Access. The original open source file is posted here as Prior to the open source distribution, Inner Access had released an object only freeware version.  From what I can determine it only contained the TSO external driver, but the open source has the VTAM driver as well.


For users new to CMMT/XOMT I suggest starting with Steve Franzon's packaging, as my source-only distribution is directed more at users who already have the monitor functioning in some form. Steve's distribution also includes a loadlib, so you can get started much more quickly.


The original documentation for the monitor is in two files.  CMMT.pdf has information about installing, configuring and operating the external forms of the monitor that run under VTAM and TSO.  XOMT314.pdf has information about the functions available in both the internal and external monitor, it's more of a user manual.  Originally all of the files were in one folder on the community site, but on the new Jive site you may need to do searching or filtering on keywords to find them all.


The monitor has powerful selection criteria and totaling features on most screens and also turns many typical DCMT functions, that other monitors don't address, into a form of menu mode.  Both bug corrections and enhancements have been done along with supporting the new IDMS releases not originally covered by the vendors.


The first source update for IDMS R17 (CMMT317) was released on 23 August, 2011. There were 15 source update releases made under CMMT317 and 21 under CMMT318.


CMMT/XOMT 3.18 has been tested on IDMS R12.01-R19.0.4. Intended as a source upgrade to open source primarily for older CMMT users and possibly also for users who have implemented from open source. Includes all revisions made for CMMT317O and CMMT318A with help from Steve Franzon, but also includes WORKING support for R19.0 beginning with this 13 February, 2015 release.


I’m still using the R18 program map and haven’t changed any release literals at this time. That will perhaps come as R19 matures thru the incremental program.


12 March, 2015 - Added IPv4 address PT screen, TCPIP terminals, other minor changes for bulk terminals.


26 May, 2015 - Port ID expanded: PT, Free-Standing LTE: R4 Get subschema from bound task (SRMP0071).


19 August, 2015 - STAE bug in ME (XOMT), RMID added to NC: added last PTF info to nucleus map screen for R18+.


25 August, 2015 - ACEE picked up for user w/ no PTE: Changed user display, pick up full name for batch, etc.


10 March, 2016 - RMID modified on NC: Pick up actual RMID for nucleus modules with no fix on CSECT.


9 May, 2016 - VTAM Generic Resource name on LI: Pickup generic resource name on VTAM line for R18.5+


1-8 June, 2016 - Enhanced Type, Language & Version on P, PC (prog) and DC (date compiled) function in XOMT


8-27 June, 2016 – NRMP0001 for XOMT, enhances date compiled. - Detect system modules in DC for R18+


19-20 September, 2016 - *RMP0061 and help modules changed. - Add bind count for segments in DB function.


21-26 October, 2016 – Cosmetic tweaks 007, 012 modules - Alternate program name R3, allow eff 100%+ MT


25 Nov - 7 Dec, 2016 - Expand buffer ratio, some R12, R14 corrections – Show buffer ratio over 10K AR,BU.


27 Dec, 2016 - 12 Jan, 2017 - Fix/enhance SC, ME, FI and global help – SC (XOMT) was broken, some other cosmetic items.


2-14 Feb, 2017 - DC glitch some system module types, CMMT global help to match XOMT and CMMT driver release mapping for R19+


21-31 March, 2017 - Add Network vs. SQL recognition and #Files to AR (area) screen.


4-21 April, 2017 – Enhance LI resource, AR status, add XOMT line commands (U, AR LI screens). Enhance destination discovery on PT screen.


18-19 July, 2017 – Expand storage length on R1 and R2 to avoid truncation.  Run-time DMCL typically over 1 MB, other large allocations noted.


4-1            4-14 August, 2017 - Detect suspended LTE status, change 0008 mapping for early releases. 2017 screen dates.


2@2 January, 2018.  I just noticed the UCL tag was missing so I added that.  I no longer have access to a mainframe so any future changes, updates will have to come from someone else.  Hopefully it will continue to run OK for the foreseeable future.  I'm now working in the monitor world with our server environment.   HNY all and keep IDMS humming.   -  John  



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