[WEBCAST] CA Workload Automation CA 7® Edition Performance Analysis and Tuning (Part 1)

When:  Jan 24, 2018 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM (ET)

Join us on January 24 at 10 a.m. ET to learn how various CA Workload Automation CA 7® Edition command outputs and detailed reports can be used to create easy to understand graphs for a “D.I.Y.” performance review of the main areas of CA 7 processing and will provide an insight into analysing the information produced in order to help obtain optimal CA 7 performance.


During the session we will look into creating graphs for the reporting and analysis of:

  • CA 7 Database usage to determine whether there are changes that could reduce the overhead of CA 7 by minimising inefficient data access processing, help improve user response time and speed the throughput of jobs in the system
  • CA 7 Queue file activity to minimise poor I/O performance of the CA 7 Queues which can cause delays in workload throughput and impact on the operational management of that workload by increasing query and command response time


Register today: https://catechnologies.webex.com/catechnologies/onstage/g.php?MTID=e0bd5a7a56972f4f2fcbaabe3d83b7185 

Location: WebEx Event