We are pleased to announce the availability of Gen 8.6.3 Consolidation for your distributed Gen systems. This is a consolidation of all distributed PTFs published after Gen 8.6 GA Complete(86200) in 2019.
In 2019, Broadcom moved to a continuous delivery model. This enables frequent, small deliveries of enhancements and defect fixes, which inherently results in less risk with more reward. You no longer need to wait years to benefit from new value added to your Broadcom software. Of course, that assumes you have a model of continuous adoption. Keeping up with frequent updates requires a change to your processes too, and if you've fallen behind in maintenance it can be all the more challenging to catch up. To help bridge this gap, Gen is providing you with this Gen 8.6.3 Consolidation. Catch up now so it's easier to keep up going forward.
You can find the solutions here:
- Gen 8.6 Solutions & Patches (distributed)
- Windows - WKS86300
- AIX CSE - CSR86300
- AIX Runtimes - RTR86300
- HP-UX Itanium - CSE - CSI86300
- HP-UX Itanium - Runtimes - RTI86300
- Linux - RTX86300
- Solaris 11 - RTL86300
For more information:
- Check out Gen's 8.6 Tech Docs
- See a new subsection in Release Notes for Gen 8.6.3 Consolidation
How can I catch up my z/OS systems too? Check out this announcement about PAXfile for Gen 8.6 Level 2111. This is a new install that can catch you up to Gen 8.6 and leap you forward on enhancements up to the October 2021 CARS.
Kim Peelman
Kim.Peelman@broadcom.comProduct Owner, Gen
Plano, TX