Here is the March list of New & Updated Gen Knowledge Base Articles (March 1 - 31, 2024, US EST)
The full list of KB articles can be found on the Gen Product page:
Scroll down to "Knowledge Base Articles" and use "Browse All". Change the default "Sort By Relevance" to "Sort By Updated Date". Also at the bottom of the page, you can increase the default value of 10 for "Results per page".
Another thing to note is there is now a "facet" name "Gen" which covers all 4 Gen product names: Gen, Gen - Host Encyclopedia, Gen - Run Time Distributed, Gen - Workstation Toolset.
When the above article search results are initially displayed the Product is filtered on the facet Gen but only with the product name Gen i.e.

Use X on the first "Gen" (facet name) to clear the Product filter and then from left-hand Product list select Gen (facet name):

That results in the following new Product filter which shows all articles that contain any of the 4 Gen product names:

When moving from a Development environment to a QA/test environment to a Production environment, it is often required to use a different SOAP Web Service endpoint URL for the Call External statement. How can this be done for all instances of Call Ext....,1. For C generated code there is a user exit ABRT_xcall_ws_url_exit (file abrtexit.c) that allows the endpoint URL to be dynamically changed at runtime. More details here for Windows & Unix/Linux platforms: Action Block Runtime User Exits > Windows A....
Unable to generate Gen 8.6 RI Triggers. 2 job logs SYS1 and SYS2 show: DSN NOT ACTIVE, PROCESS TERMINATED ***** GENERATION ERROR, RC = 17 ***** CLIST TIUDSN, PGM: TICEBG, ABEND S0C4 ***** GENERATION ERROR, RC = 99 ***** They also show corresponding C....,SYS1: The return code of 17 is reported when the DB2 subsystem is not available. This can be because the DB2 subsystem is not actually started or it can be that the DB2 subsystem specified in the TIUDB2S variable in the TIUHE PARMLIB member is not th....
Using Gen 8.6 GUI C client. Migrating from Gen 8.6 CICS/IMS servers to Java EJB servers and want to continue to use the user_id system attribute that is populated on the client and then passed to the server. However testing with the DTU (Diagram Trac....,The options are: 1. Pass the user_id system attribute in a client export view/server import view so that the Java server has access to the value. 2. Alternatively use the Gen system attribute client_user_id which can be passed to the server by modify....
Where does the Gen 8.6 Host Encyclopedia set its COBOL compiler options and what are the defaults? ,CLIST member CEHBCLS0(TICCMPL) defines the COBOL compiler options Gen will use in code generation. The selected compiler options can be seen at the top of a generated compile listing. Sites with COBOL compiler option preferences can apply customizati....
Trying to use Gen 8.6 Toolset Action Diagram statement "Functions" and some Function Objects like "Launch" are missing:,The high-level registry keys for the 2 type libraries are as follows with a sub-node for each Gen version installed [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib\{0C8F36F1-848E-11CE-9C08-02608CDA5EE3}] - "Application Library" (WROA0000.TLB) [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib\....
The external system is using Gen 8.6 transaction enabler with C server and .NET proxies Is it possible to setup transaction timeout in a way that transaction rollbacks without committing if it exceeds N seconds (setting threshold limit) ?,The Transaction Enabler(TE) does not have a transaction timeout feature like Tuxedo. Once the TE starts the transaction ,it will let it run to completion without timing it out. The only way the TE will stop (i.e kill) a running transaction is if th....
This technical paper is developed to assist in the manual deployment of Gen 8.6 GUI client applications (32-bit) on Windows. In addition, it also documents the deployment requirements for COM Proxy applications (32-bit and 64-bit).,Follow the instructions in the latest "Gen 8.6 GUI Client and COM Proxy Deployment.docx" attached below.
Have configured the Windows CSE to use a remote Oracle database (resides on another server). This all works fine when starting the message dispatcher from the command line. However when starting the message dispatcher service CSESvcMD it fails to sta....,To correct this situation use the registry editor regedit.exe to modify the key value for HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CSESvcMD\DependOnService to remove the database service (in this example OracleServiceDBCSE) and just leave the RPCSS val....
For any Operating System platform. how to check what Gen 8.6 PTFs are applied/installed and what PTFs are missing i.e. need to be applied/installed?,1. MAINFRAME (z/OS): a. For the z/OS platform, the status of the PTFs applied can be checked by running an SMP/E report of the Gen 8.6 CSI data set to list what SYSMODS have been received. This is an example of JCL that can be used to run an SMP/E re....
You can subscribe to an article to stay up to date on changes. Learn more about Broadcom article subscriptions below. ,Subscribe to an article Click on the article link from case management. If you are viewing an article from the view, you will need to follow the below steps to subscribe. Option 1: Click on the article under the Knowledge tab o....
The build of a Gen 8.6 Classic style Java Proxy for the sample model fails with these messages in the .out file: [echo] ...Compiling ServerDetailDepartment.Servlet classes [javac] C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\CA\Gen 8.6\Models\samp86.ief....,The related KB article covers how to set LOC.JAVAEE_HOME correctly: Gen applications needing Build Tool token LOC.JAVAEE_HOME e.g. if Java EE SDK version 8 is installed in C:\java_ee_sdk-8u1 then set LOC.JAVAEE_HOME = C:\java_ee_sdk-8u1\glassfish5\gl....
For some Gen generated Java application types, Gen 8.6 requires that the Java EE SDK be installed and Build Tool profile JAVA token LOC.JAVAEE_HOME be set to find the file javaee.jar for the build to be successful. What are those application types?,1. LOC.JAVAEE_HOME needs to be set when building/installing Java server EJBs/EJB Web Services and the Classic Style Java Proxy. The standard Java Proxy does not use LOC.JAVAEE_HOME. If it is not set the installation will fail with the message: Except....
In a Gen 8.6 Web Generation application if a user executes a URL for a "menu" Procedure Step e.g. menu.jsp, how can they be first redirected to a different "login" PStep to enter credentials e.g. login.jsp?,The way to achieve this behaviour is to use CLEAR SCREEN INPUTS. For Web Generation, an extra line needs to be added to the generated .jsp file before building the app i.e. request.setAttribute("clearScreenInputs", "myValue"); That forces the "menu" ....
Failure of Gen Host Encyclopedia (HE) job CEJOB10 "Load required functions model to a new encyclopedia" The error message displayed is: TIEC086E NO LONGER SUPPORT 8.0.A3 MODELS OR EARLIER. CANNOT UPLOAD.,CEJOB10 loads the Schema Functions Model. 1. The TIEC086E error is normally due to dataset prefix or suffix naming problems: a. Check if an incorrect value is set for the suffix names for "Data (EGEN/TRAN)" (Default: CEHBDATV) and "X-Late Tables" (De....
Lynn Williams
Senior Principal Support Engineer
Broadcom Software