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Want to display a # (Number Sign) in a SOLVE-panel?

  • 1.  Want to display a # (Number Sign) in a SOLVE-panel?

    Posted Mar 03, 2015 02:49 AM

    When you need to display a Number Sign '#' or any other special character in a SOLVE- or NetMaster Panel then you need to take care at two places:


    1. Don't use '#' in the parameter DEFAULT of the #OPT-statement. The DEFAULT-Parameter designets three special characters as

       attribute Bytes for low and high intensity Output and for Input fields.           

    2. Don't use '#' in any #FLD-statement as Attribute character.             


    With these two specifications you are able to display the '#' in the panel. The '#' does not interfer with the '#' used for #OPT, #FLD, #ERROR etc.