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  • 1.  TISRVLIS versus TISRVMSL: pros and cons, comments requested

    Posted Mar 16, 2012 09:28 AM
    Two years ago, in preparation for the retirement of the Direct Connect listener (TILSTNR and TICONMGR), we switched to using the Sockets Server Listener (TISRVLIS) in r7.6. After some initial issues getting the configuration defined correctly and user exit timer settings (tuning) for our environment, this listener has performed well.

    Now, in the midst of our r8.0 upgrade, we have encountered a problem with TISRVLIS, for which we are hopeful of a resolution. In the mean time, however, we have configured and successfully tested the "newer" multi socket listener TISRVMSL.

    In general, I have these questions:

    What are the real differences between the two listeners in what they do and how they perform?

    Are there any specific pros and cons for one vs. the other?

    Why would you chose one implementation over the other?

    OK, perhaps all flavors of the same question; just looking for some feedback.

    I have not as yet found any documentation which answers any of these questions; if you know of its existence and can direct me to it, that would also be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance

  • 2.  RE: TISRVLIS versus TISRVMSL: pros and cons, comments requested
    Best Answer

    Posted Mar 16, 2012 12:14 PM
    I just received this response from CA Support:

    John Carter saw your post on the gen edge broad and asked me to respond.

    The main difference between the TISL and the TIML is the fact that the TIML
    processes multiple requests simultaneously. The TISL processes 1 request
    from receiving the request through to making sure the server took the socket
    before doing the next request. The reason to choose the TIML over the TISL
    is the fact you will have less backlog of request waiting to be processed.

    The customer that requested the change went from 200 TISL to process their
    requests to either 10 or 50.

    At some point, the TISL will be retired.

    I will email you the pdf file that was part of the 7.6 ptf that introduced
    the TIML. It should help answer the questions. If not, send me an email.

    CA Gen Sustaining Engineering

    Thank you,
    CA Support

  • 3.  RE: [CA Gen General Discussion] RE: TISRVLIS versus TISRVMSL: pros and cons

    Posted Mar 16, 2012 12:22 PM
      |   view attached
    Received from CA Support.

    I’ve attached the TIML pdf which should answer questions.

    CA Technologies
    Sr Software Engineer

    If the PDF does not attach to this discussion, it is available from CA Support.
    Thanks all for the prompt response!

    From: CA GEN (EDGE) Global User Community []
    Sent: Friday, March 16, 2012 11:14 AM
    Subject: [CA Gen General Discussion] RE: TISRVLIS versus TISRVMSL: pros and cons, comments requested

    I just received this response from CA Support:

    John Carter saw your post on the gen edge broad and asked me to respond.

    The main difference between the TISL and the TIML is the fact that the TIML
    processes multiple requests simultaneously. The TISL processes 1 request
    from receiving the request through to making sure the server took the socket
    before doing the next request. The reason to choose the TIML over the TISL
    is the fact you will have less backlog of request waiting to be processed.

    The customer that requested the change went from 200 TISL to process their
    requests to either 10 or 50.

    At some point, the TISL will be retired.

    I will email you the pdf file that was part of the 7.6 ptf that introduced
    the TIML. It should help answer the questions. If not, send me an email.

    CA Gen Sustaining Engineering

    Thank you,
    CA Support
    Posted by:Douglas.Seaver
    CA Communities Message Boards
