Level Set PTF 20.0.11 (LU12911) for the Database Management Solutions for Db2 for z/OS is now available. This Level Set PTF helps you identify your current level of maintenance and features that have been installed.
Features Applied with Level Set PTF 20.0.11
This list summarizes the features that are delivered by applying Level Set PTF 20.0.11 (LU12911). The following features in this Level Set PTF do not require activation:
Database Analyzer optimization of utility processing in generated jobs. This enhancement improves performance by avoiding duplicate processing in generated action JCL for REORG, image copy, and RUNSTATS. A new Order by Utility Codes (O) option is also provided. Using this new functionality, you can use an RTOS extract procedure to automate maintenance on selected objects.
Detector support for excluding SQL call types. This enhancement reduces collection overhead in Detector by letting users focus on the activity of the SQL call types that they are interested in.
Fast Load support for building Huffman dictionaries. Native support is now provided to build Huffman compression dictionaries when using LOAD REPLACE without KEEPDICTIONARY or when the tablespace or partition is empty. Previously, this support was only available for LOAD RESUME and LOAD REPLACE without KEEPDICTIONARY. Now, you can load objects using Huffman compression with or without KEEPDICTIONARY.
RC/Migrator support for advanced triggers. Advanced triggers can now be migrated without manual intervention. VERSION and ACTIVE values can be selected for triggers from the ISPF panels. Using the Quick Migration feature, each version of an advanced trigger can also be selected for migration. The generated DDL includes the ADD VERSION clause or the CREATE TRIGGER statement with the OR REPLACE clause as needed.
RC/Migrator, RC/Compare, RC/Update enhancements:
Enhanced ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION support when adding partitions between existing partitions. For tables in partition-by-range tablespaces, a single ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION statement is now generated when a partition is added between existing logical partitions. The online REORG utility statements that are generated will reorganize only the necessary partitions. This enhancement improves performance by reducing the number of partitions that require a reorganization. This enhancement also simplifies the resulting ALTER TABLE DDL.
Convert tables in non-PBR tablespaces to PBR and PBR2 tablespaces. You can now convert tables that reside in non-PBR tablespaces so that they reside in partition-by-range (PBR and PBR2) tablespaces without first altering the tablespace. When using the interactive ISPF panels to perform the conversion, key columns and limit values are automatically solicited for the table when needed.
RC/Query support for new alias and trigger detail reports. These new reports provide detailed information about aliases and basic and advanced triggers. These reports are useful for understanding alias and trigger relationships.
SYSVIEW for Db2 enhancements:
Support for new Db2 13 latch classes in IFCID 1 and IFCID 1001. Additional latch classes (62 and 63) are now supported in the QVLS section of the STATS-1 record. You can use the Latch Manager in SYSVIEW for Db2 to troubleshoot Db2 latch-related issues.
Support for new IFCID 411 and 412 records. RMTAPP-BY-APPL and RMTAPP-BY-USER are new records that provide interval summaries of DDF activity grouped by application name and user ID, respectively. New reports were created to display the remote application statistics and the remote user statistics. A new system parameter, DDF-IFCIDS-COLLECT-LIMIT, determines the maximum number of IFCID 411 and IFCID 412 records that the data collector can collect.
New SORT-TYPE values in IFCID 25. New values are supported to specify the type of sort that was used during a utility run. The related reports have been updated to include the new values.
Support for new PACKAGE_DEPENDENCY_LEVEL zPARM. This zPARM sets the BIND dependency level in the BTSYSPRM System Parameters report. Administrators can use this report to review the values of Db2 initialization parameters (DSNZPARMS) and dynamic zPARMS for buffer pools. The related reports have been updated.
Support for new fields in IFCID 196 (Lock Detail). New timeout interval fields are now supported in IFCID 196. IFCID 196 provides details for all units of work that are involved in timeout as blocking holders or priority waiters. This enhancement helps database administrators tune and troubleshoot timeout intervals that are related to Db2 issues or functionality. The related reports have been updated.
For more information about these features, see New Features in the Release Notes in the Database Management Solutions for Db2 for z/OS documentation.
Db2 DevOps
New Profile Added for DBM for Db2 Plug-in for Zowe CLI. A new secondary profile dbm-db2-options contains existing execution options and new options, such as changeSetValues and matchSetValues. This profile lets you create sets of operations, such as subsystem specific commands and other frequently used options, and then automate their execution in different environments. This automation saves time and helps prevent syntax errors when handling a large number of parameters.
For a list of all changes, see Change Log in our GitHub repository.
Best Practices for Automating Database Maintenance
The Database Analyzer documentation has been updated with best practices to help you automate your maintenance with Real Time Object Selection (RTOS) extract procedures. To perform regular maintenance on a database, detailed steps are provided that you can adapt for your site. Database Analyzer can generate JCL to execute REORG, RUNSTATS, and Image Copy based on the Db2 real-time statistics stored procedure (DSNACCOX) recommendations. LISTDEF statements can be used for greater concurrency during executions.
For more information, see Best Practices in the Database Analyzer documentation.
Db2 Tools 20.0 Validation Project
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