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CA Quick Copy: Maximize Performance with EXCP NO Copy Engine

By Michael Kalous posted Apr 12, 2016 09:08 AM


The copy utility is one of the most frequently executed backup and recovery utilities. CPU cycles spent on creation of backup image copies might represent a considerable portion of the total cost of backup and recovery.

If you are creating standard full image copies to back up your database objects, consider switching to the EXCP NO copy engine of CA Quick Copy for DB2 for z/OS.


The EXCP NO Copy Engine

CA Quick Copy for 18.0 provides a completely rewritten EXCP NO copy engine with the following benefits:

  • Reduced CPU time by efficient coding and efficient task synchronization.
  • Offloading of up to 50% of the work to zIIP.
  • Support for all object types and dataset types (extended format, extended addressability, and stripped VSAM datasets).


Maximize Performance

Watch this video and learn how to maximize performance of CA Quick Copy in three simple steps.


Set-Up Other Utilities to Use the EXCP NO Copy Engine

There are other utilities that create standard full image copies as part of the processing. These utilities allow to select the copy engine.


Syntax or options that enable the EXCP NO copy engine

CA Rapid Reorg


CA Fast Recover (SORTLOG NO engine)

Copy engine is selected in PARMLIB

CA Fast Load


CA Recovery Analyzer

Global Quick Copy Options Panel, EXCP  ===> Y|N

Before You Try

  • Switching to another copy engine is a significant change. Try the new copy engine on a small group of test objects first.
  • Ensure that you have all available PTFs for CA Quick Copy installed
  • The PQC0825I ACCESS METHOD EXCP YES|NO WILL BE USED FOR PQC PROCESSING message indicates what copy engine is used



Contact Jacek.Rafalak@ca.com for more information.

