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 Locked PortMirror Session - can't delete it and messes up my network

Datacenter Team's profile image
Datacenter Team posted Jun 28, 2024 04:07 AM


I'm reaching out to you because I have a stubborn error when I'm trying to delete Port Mirror Sessions. I have 40 port mirror sessions which I've created last year. When I try to delete any of them, I get this:

Reconfigure vSphere Distributed Switch - A specified parameter was not correct: port[22527] can not be add/edit here, for it was used by same or other sessions.

The 22527 port was used in just one portmirror sessions as a source port, but I get the exact same error when for every other session.

Other inforamation and what I've already tried.

  • this infrastructure is a test environment, so to fix this issue, I've removed/deteled all the VMs from the inventory.
  • I have upgraded my vmware infrastructure this year to 8.0
  • I've tried to delete the portgroup involved (which has 22527 port), but it says that is being used in a Distributed Port Mirror Session
  • I've tried using powercli commands to force the deletion somehow, but with no luck.
  • I've restarted VCenter services.

I don't have other ideas, except starting all from the begining.
