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  • 1.  NIC not the same in real and virtual machines

    Posted Feb 12, 2010 07:43 PM

    I have 4 servers running with various roles. (AD, Files and DB).

    Two are HP Proliant and two are DELL.

    I virtulized all 4 machines in one server.

    With the vSphereClient I can start the machines.

    So far so good, unfortunately the NIC Drivers of the virtual machine is NOT the

    same as the real machine and for that (I Think) the virtual machine can not start the NIC.

    I don´t have the original driver copied within the real machine so I cann´t activate it by the console

    What can I do to let it work on the network and not only on console

    Thanks in advance

  • 2.  RE: NIC not the same in real and virtual machines
    Best Answer

    Posted Feb 12, 2010 08:38 PM

    well, you will not have ever the same nic driver in th physical and in the virtual hardware

    what VMware does is to "virtualize" the hardware for the virtual machine, and it includes a set of software drivers to do so (best practice is to install VMware Tools in the virtual machines, that way you will have the best performance for the networking driver).

    by this abstraction, you could move your virtual machine from server A to Server B, even when they differ on the physical NICs (let's say server A has Intel NICs and server B has Broadcomm NICs)


    1.- install VMware Tools on your virtual machines

    2.- create a vswitch for virtual machines, by going to Configuration Tab / Networking on the ESX and select at least one NIC available

    hope this helps

    Jose B Ruelas

  • 3.  RE: NIC not the same in real and virtual machines

    Posted Feb 17, 2010 11:03 AM

    Ok, the answer was right, two of the four I could install the vmware tools and

    With that the NIC was responding without any problem. The other two I must first reactivate the

    Windows 2003 server before I can install the vmware tools. (I had only three days to do that because

    By virtualizing the server it changed the hardware to much and I have to reactivate the server again.)

    But that’s my problem, thanks for the tip

    Leo van Bussel

    Departamento Técnico

    LINUXCOM - Tecnologia da Informação

    Av. Anita Garibaldi, nº2480 - Loja L-30

    São Lourenço - Curitiba - PR

    Tel. (41) 3026-6650 Cel. (41) 8464-8001

     Antes de imprimir PENSE NO MEIO AMBIENTE

  • 4.  RE: NIC not the same in real and virtual machines

    Posted Feb 17, 2010 11:53 AM

    Hello Leo,

    When you virtualize a server, mouse, keyboard, screen and NIC drivers are changed by other VMWare drivers.

    Best regards.


    VMware Certified Professional VCP3 and VCP4.


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