Potential root cause why you see no data for history changes, probably because of computers/assets merge.
You can check this affected asset in resource manager > view > events > whether it has there any merge events
Resource is created by network discovery task for Virtual Machine Management solution, so all associations history doesn't provide any user and machine info, since this resource is discovered, created and has associations according to network discovery task and not by any logged in to SMP Console account.
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 30, 2022 04:40 PM
From: Diego Chavez
Subject: Asset tracking report
Hello Igor,
Thanks for your answer.
I saw this on my lab. In some cases, we do not have the data of changes.
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 17, 2022 07:25 AM
From: Igor Perevozchikov
Subject: Asset tracking report
Hi Diego!
As I mentioned above, "Association changes" section shows all records about changes for "Location", "Cost Center", etc for select Asset including date/time and user name who did this and from which machine logged in.

You can import "View Asset Changes History.xml" to make easier to view this history changes information via right click on required Asset from SMP Console.
Steps to import:
1. Open SMP Console > Settings > mouse right click on "User Defined" folder > Import > choose downloaded "View Asset Changes History.xml"
2. Now you can directly open Asset Changes history page via mouse right click on required Asset (so no need to open resource manager > view > resource change history

Best regards,
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 16, 2022 02:04 PM
From: Diego Chavez
Subject: Asset tracking report
Hi Igor,
Thanks for your answer. It has been a great help.
But what we still haven't found (might not be) is who made a change to an asset other than a deletion.
For example, who changed the location of the pc; or added a cost center. The WHO is the one we need.
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 15, 2022 03:48 AM
From: Igor Perevozchikov
Subject: Asset tracking report
Good Morning Diego Chavez!
You can check this KB article where are some examples of how to create historical asset changes report for each separate case, like Asset deleted, Asset model or manufacturer is changed, etc.
Also existing asset history changes available in "Resource Manager" page.
As example:

Stored procedures which are used in "Resource Manager" on screenshot above:
---/// Data Class History
select dc.Guid, lo.String as [dcName], dc.HistoryTableName, rih.InventoryDate from ResourceInventoryHistory rih join DataClass dc on dc.Guid = rih.InvClassGuid OUTER APPLY dbo.fnStr_GetLocalizedItemNameAsTable(dc.Guid, N'en-US') lo where rih.ResourceGuid = 'Your Asset GUID'
---/// Association Changes
EXECUTE spResourcePlatform_GetResourceAssociationChangingHistory @resourceGuid='0843a80c-f8d9-4a82-87a9-21bc09a808f6', @culture=N'en-US'
Best Regards,
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 11, 2022 03:25 PM
From: Diego Chavez
Subject: Asset tracking report
Dear community,
We need your help again.
We want to know if there is any report where the changes made to the assets can be observed; either what change was made, where and by whom.
Thank you very much!