2016 IUA/CA IDMS™ Technical Conference Session Planning
The IUA/EIUA and CA have started planning the 2016 IUA Workshop. We have been reviewing past workshop sessions to develop a list of suggested session ideas for 2016. Now we’re turning it over to the IUA/EIUA Community Members to have your say in the final agenda. Please let us know now what you think of our very early ideas for the 2016 Workshop Agenda:
- What do you think of the list so far?
- Are there other sessions which you would like to see that are not listed?
- Would you like to present one of the listed sessions?
- Do you have a user story that you would like to present in a session?
- Best practices for DBA’s or Applications Development
- Unusual or interesting uses of CA IDMs technology
- Tools and utilities that you have developed to something “out of the ordinary”
- For example – from a recent discussion thread - SQL Procedures – “how to for developers” and “what for” from an application design point of view (why, what functionality was replaced, what other tools were considered)
We have another workshop planning meeting at the end of September – so please get your thoughts and suggestions posted in reply to this discussion so that we can include community input straight into the planning process.
If you want to really get involved, download one or the other of the attached spreadsheets and use the “tick boxes” in the IUA~2016 ~Session~SuggestionsTicYesNo spreadsheet (macro enabled), or just type Yes/No in the IUA~2016 ~Session~Suggestions spreadsheet (no macros) – then e-mail them to me at gary@cherlet.com – I will collate your input and get this information to the committee for our next planning meeting!
Please note that we really need your feedback by Sept 19th to be in time for our next planning session on Sept 22nd! Thanks in advance – cheers – GaryC - for the planning committee.
Gary Cherlet
IDMS User Association
Vice Chair