Calling all OLEDB/Sharepoint experts with an understanding of SMP Connector Solution...
I'm trying to import a list (it contains a table of all the software managed by the Licensing Compliance team), into a bespoke resource type/dataclasses that will store the data within SMP 7 for reporting purposes. As with all connectors, the solution involves a Data Source definition and an Import Rule.
Warning: Don't try to recreate this on your system unless you have support from a Symantec engineer.
Data Source
I have defined an OLEDB Data Source definition, with a directly entered connection string (below), and associated import query.
When I click the View Import Data button on the data source I can see the data.
Import Rule
When I define the import rule to use the data source and map the fields from the Sharepoint list to the target resource type, the definition can be made (implying that the import rule designer screen can get the list of fields that need to be mapped), but when I run it, either as a test or non-test run, it shows a dialogue with 1%, which never moves.
When I stop the job, it eventually appears to cancel after a bit of delay, then I can close, but I can't then rerun the job (it says it is already running). The cancelled import task leaves incorrect status entries in one of the task tables, and I need to get our Symantec Engineer to assist with overcoming these errors.
Other information
- Known defect with UNC paths: We have also experiences similar symptoms with a data source that uses a UNC path format to a file on network connected storage. If the UNC path is not mapped as a drive, or defined as a network location on the SMP server, the import will hang in the same way. Trouble is I can't solve the issue the same way with Sharepoint.
- Sharepoint 2007: The sharepoint site I'm trying to read is currently running sharepoint 2007.
- We are running SMP 7.1, MP1 on the instance where this is failing.
- No messages are written to the logs indicating any errors related to this activity.
Can you help? Why can I see the data via the button, but the import rule fails?