Washington DC Security User Group

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  • 1.  Unable to Launch CCS console

    Posted Dec 28, 2011 11:37 AM

    This is our newly installed windows 2008 environment.

    A distributed setup - Application server, Directory server, Data collector and SQL server all installed on separate boxes (windows 2008 64 bit enterprise OS)

    With the same setup on windows 2003 boxes - everything works perfectly fine.


    On 2008 - we get error - Error occurred while downloading application configuration file - while launching CCS

    We have checked that no duplicate SPNs exist, we deleted and re-added to SPNs to see if this resolves the issue.. no go.


    Does anyone have a working 2008 distributed environment?

    Are there any different settings (firewall etc) as compared to windows 2003 boxes while installing & configuring CCS on windows 2008?




  • 2.  RE: Unable to Launch CCS console

    Posted Dec 29, 2011 10:01 AM
      |   view attached

    In my experience, this usually has to do with communications to the database server from the application server. The SPN settings is one aspect of this communication. Another reason for this failure frequently has to do with the configuration of the Application Pools within IIS. One place that frequently gets overlooked when checking settings in IIS is under the Application Pools. Verify that you are using the same account (In IIS7, found under Advanced Settings-->Process Model-->Identity... See attached screenshot) on your new system as on your old system. If you have recently changed the password on your service account, re-enter it under identity as found above.

    Let me know what you find and we can continue working on this.

    Chris Tyrrell
    Compliance Practice Lead
    Conventus Corporation


    IIS Settings Screenshot.docx   186 KB 1 version

  • 3.  RE: Unable to Launch CCS console

    Posted Jan 05, 2012 10:20 AM

    My VM lab and may sites I've seen have distributed VM environments running on windows 2008 (regular and R2 64bit). As long as the servers are in the same trusted domain, and the  SPN settings are setup correctly you should be able to launch the web console (download) client and run it from the localhost\ccs_web

  • 4.  RE: Unable to Launch CCS console

    Posted Jan 18, 2012 01:36 PM

    I've fixed this in the past with putting the appserver into the local hosts file on the computer trying to launch the R&A console... yeah, I visit some broken DNS environments :)

  • 5.  RE: Unable to Launch CCS console

    Posted Apr 06, 2012 11:18 AM

    @Chaitali: Go to services.msc and check whether Symantec Application Server Service is running or not. If service is not running then simply start the Symantec Application Server Service and try to launch the CCS Console.

  • 6.  RE: Unable to Launch CCS console

    Posted Apr 10, 2012 08:26 AM

    If you are using a fully qualified name, you may want to use just the server name.  I had the same issue with a 2008 app server and from my desktop trying to launch the console with appserver.company.com and changed it to appserver and it loaded.  



  • 7.  RE: Unable to Launch CCS console

    Posted Apr 15, 2012 08:58 PM

    If you are still experiencing the issue then please open a case with Tech support.