Hey Keith,
I appreciate your input and apologize for being less than clear with my description of my issue. To help clarify what I meant by "...it detects only the format in which the SIN is stored in the Reference Data Source", I will use SSN as an example. I hope I do not instead create additional confusion.
In creating my EDM for SSN, I was told by support (and I am pretty certain that I read it, as well) that selecting the System Field: Social Security Number would detect SSN in the following patterns: xxxxxxxxx, xxx xx xxxx, and xxx-xx-xxxx. I believe (but, would have to revisit my testing notes to confirm) that testing verified this to be true. If I recall correctly, my source data is, to borrow your phrase, in raw form - xxxxxxxxx and, I am able to detect the variations as listed previously. Additionally, the Field Mappings Advanced View offers the ability to select a Custom Name and Type of Social Security Number. According to the information provided when clicking on the Description link, the Social Security Number custom type will detect "... 3 digits, optionally followed by spaces or dashes, followed by 2 digits, optionally followed by spaces or dashes, followed by 4 digits."
Unfortunately, this seems not to be the case with the Canadian SIN. Configuring the System Field: Social Insurance Number and testing source data in raw form xxxxxxxxx yields detection of only xxxxxxxxx and not xxx xxx xxx or xxx-xxx-xxx. Moreover, the SIN does not appear in the drop down list for Custom Type in the Field Mappings Advanced View.
All of this leaves me wondering if I am overlooking something or whether there is a solution other than to list the SIN in the various formats in my source file?
I hope I did not further confuse this issue.