Woa - hang on here... Lets get the facts straight.
Symantec had a product called Wise Package Studio that they acquired with the Altiris purchase. This was the No 2 in the software packaging market at the time, with thousands of customers, a network of people who provided packaging services using it, and partners who helped supply and support this.
However and for whatever reason (which I suspect was mainly because Symantec simply didn't understand where this fitted as it had nothing to do with security) they let development and marketing slip until the product had lost its way in the market. At this point they withdrew from the market completely and pointed customers to Admin Studio. Wise customers and those in the supporting community felt very let down and annoyed as there was now no choice and they had to face costs they had been looking to avoid.
That a partner who had a significant investment in the Wise product has decided to create their own alternative should be applauded not only as it gives choice but also because it offers the market a way of saving money over the current limited options.
And given Symantec no longer supply or support any software packaging tool I see no reason why they shouldn't raise this in this forum (what rival product are they promoting against exactly?) As a business partner who historically had a Wise customer base finding there is an alternative to Admin Studio and being able to point customers to this is just great.
Keep the posts coming Scott and keep those of us who want an appropriate means of filling to the void left by the sad demise of Wise informed of what you are doing.