New York City/ New Jersey CA PPM User Group

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New York City/New Jersey Clarity Virtual User Group Meeting - October 2020- Shared Documents

  • 1.  New York City/New Jersey Clarity Virtual User Group Meeting - October 2020- Shared Documents

    Posted Nov 10, 2020 12:06 PM
    Hi Community Team,

    We had a great user group virtual meeting on October 16th 2020 and we wanted to share the documents and recording from the session. Hope to see you at the next one. 

    • PPT with Clarity engagement links (Mo: Roadmaps, Demo, Office Hours, Innovation Panel, Newsletters, etc
    • Modern UX Adoption - Sky
    • Capacity & Demand - Montefiore IT
    • Clarity Roadmap - Broadcom
    • How DSV Leverages Training for Clarity PPM
    Link to Recording


    Thank you
    Tammi Reel

    Technical Lead
    Montefiore IT