I am looking for some details regarding CAPM 3.5 and new the functionality in OpenAPI, aliases. We plan to start an integration project soon, from our customer portal to CAPM. The goal is to display dynamic data/reports from CAPM in the portal. Currently the URL's that we plan to use contains the CAPM "element id" (yes we are longtime eHealth customers). Hence we need to translate from the customer portal database key we use, to CAPM element id to get the correct data. The key that we use is CircuitID and this CircuitID is a part of the interface Alias from the polled device. So will this new open API functionality eliminate the need for the translation from "our" key to the CAPM elementID? We are considering if it is better to wait for the new API functionality in CAPM 3.5 or to move ahead with CAPM3.2 as we initially planned. But we need more details.
Is there documentation available on the details for this new functionality in OPEN API? We could test CAPM 3.5 beta, but it would be nice if there is some documentation available before we use too much time doing the beta testing thing.