Title: Office Hours: Upcoming Release of DX SaaS for Operational Intelligence Delivers on Customer Requests
Abstract: DX SaaS for Operational Intelligence is continuously improved and updated to provide customers with enhancements for service observability, central alarm management and reporting and dashboarding. New customer-driven enhancements scheduled for release 23.6.1 span a wide range of capabilities, including service creation, incident triage, dashboards, DevOps integration, and insights for multi-tenant environments. Join this session as we provide context for these enhancements, share highlights with a live demo, and address input, comments and questions you have. We encourage you to view the Upcoming Features/Enhancements release notes in advance and come ready to share your viewpoints.
Speaker: John Sullivan, product management, DX Operational Intelligence
There is no password for attendees.
We hope you can join us Tuesday. If you don’t already have the calendar invite and Webex details for the 11 am ET webinar, go here.