Voice of the Customer: AIOps Office Hours for Operational Intelligence by Broadcom

When:  Sep 24, 2024 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM (ET)
Associated with  DX Operational Intelligence

Join us for this Voice of the Customer: AIOps Office Hour with the Broadcom team for our operational intelligence solution. We will open with a brief topic and then open the lines to solicit feedback and address general questions that you enter into the Zoom Chat panel.

We encourage your constructive input on the trajectory for our solutions and the innovations we believe will add more value, help you solve your digital transformation challenges, and deliver on your IT and business goals and objectives.

Session-specific details with proper title/abstract will be shared prior to the session; schedule subject to change.

Password for attendees = Sharing

To register and download calendar invite, go https://enterprise-software.broadcom.com/aiops-office-hours.


Online Instructions:
Url: http://enterprise-software.broadcom.com/aiops-office-hours
Login: Password for attendees = Sharing
Event Image
Register Now


Adam Frary
978 761 3885