To All,You are invited to help contribute to this effort. Please add your comments/inputs for all to see and discuss. With your participation, I am hoping to have an official github presence for this work in the long run. Attached is a zip file contains the framework as it is. It also contains the .git structure so that you can start forking your own branches as well.This framework is a Symantec Directory Manager implementation based on my article at the API academy site.DevOps: REST API Execution Through Bash Shell ScriptingDevOps: REST API Execution Through Bash Shell Scripting IIDevOps: REST API Execution Through Bash Shell Scripting IIIThis implementation is the this implementation after the first "SiteMinder RestAPI Shell Script Framework" available at project is the one I promised after the publication of the "Symantec Directory dxagent RestAPI Shell Script Framework". As I mentioned in the dxagent one: is the one you are encouraged to try to explore the powerful capabilities the Directory Manager RestAPI has to offer.This is the first iteration of the Directory Manager RestAPI, it focuses on using the restapis to help automating thecreation of multiple Router DSAs and DATA DSAs that have the mult-write configured as manual attempts forthe tasks are tedious and error-prone.Many features of the Directory Manager RestAPI have not yet explored. You are welcome to post your comments on this thread to share your experiences of using this framework and to suggest how you may want to see how the Directory Manager restapi features being used. For now,Your inputs will be most appreciated.For the Linux ImpatienceIf you are using Linux, CentOS or RedHat, for your Directory installation and if you know the client name when you installed the dxagent, there is now a utility can quickly get you started. The flow is like the following:
Thanks a lot for taking the time to work with what I started. I appreciate it and am looking forward to more from your experiences.
Thanks, Tommy
I've spent a few days exercising the Directory RestAPI script framework you packaged. As you demonstrated, the CRUD scripts for managing environments, dxagent hosts and DSA's work effectively and easily. Using the Swagger UI to test the RestAPI interactively also provides background for running the scripts. I found the maketemp script very useful to quickly replicate a DSA with MW and implicit failover capability.
I will post further updates after using the SMPS examples in the package.
curl -o
Also, the dxagent restapi is actually included in this zip file as well. There is no need for you to download it separately.