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API Gateway + Elk Integration Setup Guide 

Sep 19, 2016 06:11 PM



Setup ElasticSearch

  • Place the ElasticSearch file ( RPM in this scenario ), onto the server


  • Install the rpm

rpm -Uvh elasticsearch-2.4.0.rpm

  • I'm using a gateway image for this demo, so I need to make sure I have java installed as well (Ignore if you already have java installed), if not, you can run this command from the gateway to pull it down
  wget --no-check-certificate --no-cookies --header "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie"
  • Install Java
rpm -Uvh jdk-8u102-linux-x64.rpm

Since I'm using a Gateway image ( RHEL ), we are going to either need to make an entry in the software firewall ( IPTABLES ), for our ElasticSearch port, or disable it all together. B/C this is a demo, i plan to just disable iptables to simplify setup, but if this is going to be used in a production environment, I recommend keeping IPTABLES running and making the necessary holes for each port this stack requires.

  • Account for port 9200 in IPTABLES ( I'm just gonna disable iptables for demo purposes )

service iptables stop

  • Modify /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml, to expose elastic search outside of localhost


  • Start up Elastic Search

service elasticsearch start

  • Verify ElasticSearch is running

[root@AwesomeSauceGatewayBoss ~]# curl http://localhost:9200
"name" : "Angela Del Toro",
"cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
"version" : {
"number" : "2.4.0",
"build_hash" : "ce9f0c7394dee074091dd1bc4e9469251181fc55",
"build_timestamp" : "2016-08-29T09:14:17Z",
"build_snapshot" : false,
"lucene_version" : "5.5.2"
"tagline" : "You Know, for Search"

Setup Kibana


  • Place the ElasticSearch file ( RPM in this scenario ), onto the server


  • Install the rpm

rpm -Uvh kibana-4.6.1-x86_64.rpm

  • I had to modify permissions before Kibana would start up

cd /opt

The default config expects the ElasticSearch instance to be local to the host on port 9200, which in our case, is the case. If this was not the case, you would need to modify the config file accordingly. the config file is located: /opt/kibana/config/kibana.yml


  • Start up Kibana

service kibana start

  • Validate Kibana is running

In a browser, go to http://<kibanahost>:5601 and Kibana should load



You won't see anything yet, but the app should load

Setup Logstash

  • Grab the rpm

[root@AwesomeSauceGatewayBoss ~]# wget

  • Install the rpm

[root@AwesomeSauceGatewayBoss ~]# rpm -Uvh logstash-2.4.0.noarch.rpm

  • Pull down Config File from Github (This file is attached to this community post)

cd /etc/logstash/conf.d/

wget -O logstash.conf

  • modify permissions of the conf file

chmod 644 logstash.conf

  • fire up logstash

service logstash start

  • Our logstash.conf file has specified a beat listener on port 5044, let's confirm it is indeed listening

[root@AwesomeSauceGatewayBoss conf.d]# netstat -tapn | grep 5044
tcp    0    0*       LISTEN       15452/java

Please remember, since my logstash instance is running on the same host that Kibana and Elastic Search is running, my iptables is already disabled, if logstash is on it's own instance, then we will need to account for port 5044

Setup Gateway

  • Set the cluster wide property 'trafficlogger.detail' to the following value:

APITransaction - ;service=${};RequestUrl=${request.url};RequestMethod=${request.http.method};RequestSize=${request.size};ResponseSize=${response.size};TotalTime=${request.elapsedTime};RoutingTime=${httpRouting.latency};HttpStatus=${response.http.status}

  • Create a Log Sink exactly as follows


From the Gateway Node, do the following on each

Setup 'FileBeat'

  • Install RPM

rpm -Uvh filebeat-1.3.1-x86_64.rpm

  • Configure filebeat ( /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml )

There are 2 parts of the config that we need to modify

First, we need to configure which log file to monitor

YAML files are very sensitive to tabs, so please use spaces instead... this will bite you if you use tabs


Here's the String for your copy convienance ' - /opt/SecureSpan/Gateway/node/default/var/logs/TrafficLogger_*.log '

Also, you may want to comment out the default /var/log/*.log entry, as this will just junk up ElasticSearch and put extra processing on Log Stash

  • Next, we need to configure where the logs are being forwarded to... in our case, we are shipping these bad boys off to Log Stash for additional processing

Make sure the ElasticSearch as output section is completely commented out... this could save you hours asking yourself "Why the heck is this thing not working..."


  • Start FileBeat

service filebeat start

  • Setup 'MetricBeat'
  • Install RPM

rpm -Uvh metricbeat-5.0.0-alpha5-x86_64.rpm

  • Configure MetricBeat Config File ( /etc/metricbeat/metricbeat.yml )

We only need to make one modification in this config file, which is to point it to our ElasticSearch Endpoint

remember, we are pointing MetricBeat directly to ES, as there isn't any additional processing to the requests that need to be done


  • Start MetricBeat

service metricbeat start

Load Kibana Dashboards

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Aug 02, 2019 09:15 AM

Can more information be added to the readme in the attachment?

Because I do not understand hw to get to the kibanadump.json content.

Thanks & Regards,
Sebastian van Voorn.

Oct 03, 2018 08:46 AM

Dear  Doyle Reece,


i am not able to find "wget -O logstash.conf" this file in github

can u please upload again logstash.conf file.



Shaikh Ali

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