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Publish schema with replication without delete replication (READPAST error) 

Jun 06, 2016 07:36 AM

Hello again guys,


I found a way to use pdm_publish with BD replication(boxi offline) without delete that replication, only stopping that.

With the replication online, you will recive the READPAST error during the pdm_publish.


Before PDM_PUBLISH, you need to stop the replication agent:




With the Agent stopped, insert the var SQL_NO_DIRTY_READS:



Now, you can use PDM_PUBLISH without recive the READPAST error.


After this, disable that variable:



And start the Agent.




Tks to EduardoDiersmann and Sandra_Antunes.

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Dec 18, 2019 07:20 AM

In case someone is looking for this command to be executed each time a publish is done, you'll need to change the pdm_publish.cmd under the bin folder, the following are the changes I've made, tested it a few times and works ok.
@echo off rem ####################################################################### rem Simple Windows command to change to $NX_ROOT\bin and run pdm_publish rem ####################################################################### setlocal set NX_TEMP_CMD=%TEMP%\cd_nx.cmd nx_env -d NX_ROOT | pdm_gsub / \ > %NX_TEMP_CMD% CALL %NX_TEMP_CMD% echo pushd %NX_ROOT%\bin > %NX_TEMP_CMD% call %NX_TEMP_CMD% if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :error set /p REP_DISABLED="DB Replica needs to be disabled before publishing, continue? (Y/N): " if %REP_DISABLED% == Y ( rem install option to avoid SQL READPAST error produced by DB replica pdm_options_mgr -c -s SQL_NO_DIRTY_READS -v 1 -a pdm_option.inst && pdm_perl .\ %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 && pdm_options_mgr -c -s SQL_NO_DIRTY_READS -v 1 -a pdm_option.deinst echo You can now reactivate DB replica ) ELSE ( echo pdm_publish aborted by administrator goto :exit ) if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :pdm_publish_error popd goto :exit :error echo Unable to cd to $NX_ROOT\bin echo Please do this manually and then issue the command echo pdm_perl .\ :pdm_publish_error echo pdm_publish execution failed exit /b 1 :exit del %NX_TEMP_CMD%

Mar 22, 2018 08:34 AM

Hey Rianne,


Please ignore my previous comment. My apologies.


Though NO_DIRTY_READS was being referred to, it does look like  SQL_NO_DIRTY_READS  is still the correct one.  Meaning what you have in the document is correct, no changes needed.


Thank you !


Mar 21, 2018 09:23 AM



Based on the source code, the option seems to be:




Everything else should be correct otherwise though.  Would this be a change that you could make?

Thank you 


Edited my comment above and put a strikethrough so please do not get misled by my previous wrong suggestion.  Its still readable, but makes it hard :-)

Jun 06, 2016 08:43 AM

Thanks for the feedback Rianne. I'll request the original tecdoc to be updated with this info!


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