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TECH TIP: DbMigrate threw an exception on upgrading from PRE 2.3.3 version of Infrastructure Management 

Aug 24, 2015 11:14 AM

On a pre-2.3.3 Performance Center installation where Anomaly Detector data source was added, upgrading to 2.3.3 could result in a MigrateDb error during upgrade, like the following


Status: FATAL ERROR Additional Notes: FATAL ERROR - class com.ca.im.installanywhere.action.MigrateDb FatalInstallException: DbMigrate threw an exception. Error executing command: INSERT INTO data_source_types2 (SourceType, RelatedSourceTypes, SourceName, ServiceURL, RequiredVersion, MaxInstances, Port, Protocol, PollInterfaceType, HasMTOM, SupportedAuthTypes, DefaultAuthType, DefaultUserName, DefaultPassword) VALUES (0x0080, 0x0080, 'Anomaly Detector', '{DS.Protocol}://{DS.Host}:{DS.Port}/AnomalyDetector/DataSourceWS.asmx', 2533279085428736, 1, 80, 'http', 0x0001, 'N',0, 0, NULL, NULL) on line 65 in script /local1/CA/PerformanceCenter/SQL/upgrade/ Duplicate entry '128' for key 'PRIMARY'




run the following query, referencing the correct version, that was upgraded to; in this example

mysql netqosportal -e "insert into revision_info values('', now(), '', '2014-04-15_22-01-05', 288, 'CAPC');"


Tthen run the upgrade again


'Anomaly Detector',  was removed as a data source in, and not added back in until 2.3.3.

it could be added as a data source, by manually adding an entry to the data_source_types2 table, which could create this situation

The database should be up to date, since the command that failed was due to customer already having Anomaly Detector, and the above command should be run, to update the revision_info file:


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