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 Job is rerun when Lookback is added

Prem Prakasam's profile image
Prem Prakasam posted Nov 21, 2022 08:44 AM

I have Job A scheduled to run daily at 12:01 AM.
Job B is added to be dependent on Job A with lookback condition so that it run only once.   

On day 1, Job B is waits and runs after 12:01 AM and status is updated to "SUCCESS"
On day2, Job B  is re-run again at 12:01 AM after Job A is completed. Could you please suggest me to prevent Job B to re-run on the next day. 

 Note : An unique Job B (suffixed with current date) will be created daily so ideally we want Job B to be run only once after Job A is completed... 

You can see below that the JobB.<date> is rerun daily post 12:01 AM :

JobB.221117 11/21/2022 00:11:20 11/21/2022 00:46:07 SU 179931213/1 0
JobB.221117 11/20/2022 00:05:49 11/20/2022 00:21:00 SU 179780915/1 0
JobB.221117 11/19/2022 00:06:13 11/19/2022 00:21:36 SU 179634970/1 0
JobB.221117 11/18/2022 00:09:31 11/18/2022 00:40:24 SU 179450832/1 0
JobB.221117 11/17/2022 02:30:45 11/17/2022 00:37:40 SU 179306536/1 0

Is it possible to prevent Job B to run only once i.e., stop running the already completed jobs. I can't add date condition directly to Job B hence I have chosen lookback condition.  Appreciate you can provide any pointers to resolve the rerun issue

Corrie Kantowski's profile image
Corrie Kantowski
Could you please provide your job definition.
Jose Lopez's profile image
Jose Lopez
Without joba and job definition is hard to say but documentation says "To support the look-back feature, you must add an additional operand to the condition statement" so must have another starting condition on jobb to use lookbacks.
