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 Curl linux CARA to get the active agents list?

mahdi smida's profile image
mahdi smida posted Nov 02, 2022 05:52 AM


How can i use cara soap API with curl to retrieve a list of active agents?

SOAP API WSDL: http://NAC-IP:NAC-PORT/datamanagement/ws/OpenAPIService?wsdl

  • Application: SOAP API Method getAllApplications (it requires username and password make sure the user has access privileges) 
  • Environment: SOAP API Method getEnvironmentsForApplication (It requires username, password and application name)
  • Assigned Agents: SOAP API Method getEnvironmentServers (It requires username, password and application name and Environment Name

Gregg Stewart's profile image
Broadcom Employee Gregg Stewart
Hi Mahdi,

Would a REST API be okay? If so, you can try:
  • https://<yourRAHostname>/datamanagement/a/v6/agents
  • https://noliora/datamanagement/a/v6/agents?filter=&reachable=true
    To filter for agents that are reachable; or
  • https://noliora/datamanagement/a/v6/agents?filter=&reachable=false
    To filter for agents that are not reachable. 

If you're using curl then you can supply the user/pass info using: curl -u <user>:<pass>

Kind regards,