AIOps Office Hours for Infrastructure Management: Journey to DX UIM 20.4, the Robust Beta Program J

When:  Dec 7, 2021 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM (ET)

On Tuesday, Dec. 7, our AIOps Office Hours topic is infrastructure management.

It’s been a stressful couple of years for DX Unified Infrastructure Management (formerly Nimsoft Monitor of course).  From rebuilding many of the components to remove the Flash Player and Liferay portal development functionality to meeting the expectations of a large, loyal and long-supporting customer base.  The AIOIps Office Hours program has been a critical factor in reducing stress with both customers and Broadcom alike – your input on our work-in-progress over the past year has been critical to our journey to release 20.4.  Now, it’s time to comment on our post-20.4 plans, which includes development to refresh Service Level Management functionality with a modern UX to enhance efficiency.

There is no password for attendees.

We hope you can join us Tuesday. If you don’t already have the calendar invite and Webex details for the 11 am ET webinar, go here.


Online Instructions: