Responsive Quick Detail Pages
Enjoy staying in context with Quick Detail Pages (QDP), but need more real-estate when editing the Discussion field and other large blocks of text? We now have a solution available in Labs. If your subscription has Labs enabled, you can go to My Settings > Labs to turn on the Responsive Quick Detail toggle.
By enabling this lab, users will be able to drag the QDP panel, resizing it up to the full screen width. For the larger panel views, two columns will render with rich-text and other expandable fields appearing in the left column while other fields will remain in the smaller right column.
Responsive Resizing Preferences
Resizing QDP for one work item will set your QDP sizing preference for all work items, preventing users from having to resize for each work item type. Simply resize again to adjust sizing as needed.
Combined with the show/hide fields feature already implemented in QDP, users will be able to modify/add data more quickly without losing context.
We would love your feedback on the Responsive Quick Detail lab. Feedback may be provided by clicking on the Feedback button in Labs. Thank you!
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