Plex 2E

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  • 1.  Plex 7 C# Grid Appearance

    Posted Jan 24, 2014 10:49 AM

    A tip for those out there who hate the alternating row colour scheme on grids implemented through WPF.

    Edit the file Bootstrap.App.xaml.ObGridData.tml located in the Lib\Templates\CS folder as follows prior to creating your executable ...

    Note 1:Please retain a back up of all modifed template files as a new installation of Plex will overwrite.
    Note 2: If you have already created the executable once before then delete the MyApp.App.xaml, MyApp.App.xaml.cs and MyApp.exe.csproj in the source folder prior to recreating

    Amend the line :
    <Setter Property="AlternatingRowBackground" Value="{StaticResource ObGridAlternateBAckground}"/>

    To something like:
    <Setter Property="Rowbackground" Value="{DynamicResource {x:Static SystemsColors.ControlBrushKey}}"/>

    In this example your grid will lose the alternating colour and adopt the colour of the panel background.