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Overtime date and time fields to show only when seleting Yes on Return of service

  • 1.  Overtime date and time fields to show only when seleting Yes on Return of service

    Posted May 23, 2019 06:35 AM

    Hi Communties


    I build a zovertime_start_time and zovertime_end_time. We use the default field Called Return_of_service(Display name zovertime) when (Yes) show the two date fields and no don't. The Yes portion works and think. Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong cause i did split the two as well and still gets the same issue it shows when Yes, end time stayswen no.


    --Function Part---

     var zovertime_fld;
     var zovertime_fldnum;  



    function checkzovertime()
    //  var zovertime = document.getElementsById("df_12_3");

     var zovertime = document.getElementsByName("SET.return_to_service")[0].options[document.getElementsByName("SET.return_to_service")[0].selectedIndex].value;

      if ( typeof zovertime_fld == "undefined" ) {
             zovertime_fld = findFieldAndLabelFromTable("zovertime_start_time","zovertime_end_time",1);

      if (zovertime == '1'){
       alert ("Fill in the Overtime period");
       if ( zovertime_fld != null ) {
              _dtl.fieldToValidate[zovertime_fldnum].is_required = 1;
        zovertime_fld[0].style.display = "block";
        zovertime_fld[1].style.display = "block";
      else {
            if ( zovertime_fld != null ) {
        _dtl.fieldToValidate[zovertime_fldnum].is_required = 0;
        zovertime_fld[0].style.display = "none";
        zovertime_fld[1].style.display = "none";


    ----Return Service field----

    <PDM_MACRO name=dtlDropdown hdr="Overtime" attr="return_to_service" autofill="no" evt="onBlur=\\\"checkzovertime()\\\"" lookup="no" make_required="no" size="10">


    ----zOvertime fields script-----

    <PDM_MACRO name=dtlDate hdr="Overtime Start Time" attr="zovertime_start_time" make_required="yes">
     zovertime_fldnum = _dtl.fieldToValidate.length - 1;
    <PDM_MACRO name=dtlDate hdr="Overtime End Time" attr="zovertime_end_time" make_required="yes">
     zovertime_fldnum = _dtl.fieldToValidate.length - 1;

    <PDM_MACRO name=dtlStartRow>
     if ( typeof zovertime_fld == "undefined" ) {
            zovertime_fld = findFieldAndLabelFromTable("zovertime_start_time","zovertime_end_time",1);
        if ("$args.return_of_service" == "1" || "$args.return_of_service" == "YES") {
            if ( zovertime_fld != null ) {
                _dtl.fieldToValidate[zovertime_fldnum].is_required = 1;
                zovertime_fld[0].style.display = "block";
                zovertime_fld[1].style.display = "block";
        else {
            if ( zovertime_fld != null ) {
                _dtl.fieldToValidate[zovertime_fldnum].is_required = 0;
                zovertime_fld[0].style.display = "none";
                zovertime_fld[1].style.display = "none";
    <PDM_MACRO name=dtlReadonly hdr="Overtime Start Time" attr="zovertime_start_time">
    <PDM_MACRO name=dtlReadonly hdr="Overtime End Time" attr="zovertime_end_time">


    I understand this is a custom but if anybody can just look at it to see what I'm doing wrong like I said does  hid the start time, but not the end time.


    I have attached how it looks on the screen and added the xx_service_outage_tab.htmpl. we changed the is screens a lot, but it should be the reason for the end time not disappearing.


    I have  another way we did it baut still do not hide the end date. if you to them one at time it works.


    Please help


    Edgar Louw
