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  • 1.  Problem with GEL/XOG in process

    Posted Jan 16, 2020 11:30 AM
    I have the below contained within a process and it will not update the field in Idea.  We have a similar version for projects which does work sucessfully.
    When checking the logs afterwards It does not generate the Idea ID and Name.  This is obviously the reason but I cannot find the cause within the script.  
    Anyone have any ideas?....

    <gel:script xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""

    <core:new className="java.util.GregorianCalendar" var="starttime"/>

    <gel:parameter var="XOGUsername" default="admin"/>
    <gel:parameter var="XOGPassword" default="clarity" secure="true"/>

    <!--<gel:parameter var="XOGURL" default="localhost"/>-->
    <gel:parse file="../config/properties.xml" var="properties"/>
    <gel:set asString="true" select="$properties/properties/webServer/@schedulerUrl" var="XOGURL"/>
    <core:set var="clarity_url">${XOGURL}/niku/xog</core:set>
    <gel:log level="INFO">XOG URL: ${clarity_url}</gel:log>

    <gel:setDataSource dbId="niku"/>
    <sql:query var="vParentFields" escapeText="false">
    select inv.code idea_code, idea_name
    from niku.inv_investments inv
    and in (select distinct look.pk_id pk from niku.odf_multi_valued_lookups look
    where look.attribute='o2_area' and look.object = 'idea' group by look.pk_id)
    <core:forEach items="${vParentFields.rowsByIndex}" var="row">
    <core:set var="idea_code">${row[0]}</core:set>
    <core:set var="idea_name">${row[1]}</core:set>
    <gel:parse var="v_idea">
    <NikuDataBus xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/nikuxog_idea.xsd">
    <Header action="write" externalSource="NIKU" objectType="idea" version=""/>
    <Idea objectID="${idea_code}" name="${idea_name}">
    <ColumnValue name="o2_area">
    <sql:query var="multi" escapeText="false">

    SELECT DISTINCT l.lookup_code id,
    FROM niku.cmn_lookups_v l
    WHERE l.lookup_type= 'O2_PROJ_APP_AREA'
    AND l.language_code='en'
    and (
    l.lookup_code = 'o2_s19' or
    l.lookup_code = 'o2_s20' or
    l.lookup_code = 'o2_s21' or
    l.lookup_code = 'o2_s22' or
    l.lookup_code = 'o2_s23' or
    l.lookup_code = 'o2_s24' or
    l.lookup_code = 'o2_s25' or
    l.lookup_code = 'o2_s26' or
    l.lookup_code = 'o2_s27'
    GROUP BY, l.lookup_code


    SELECT DISTINCT look.value id,
    FROM niku.inv_investments inv join
    niku.odf_multi_valued_lookups look on join
    niku.cmn_lookups_v l on l.lookup_code = look.value
    look.attribute = 'o2_area'
    and = ${gel_objectInstanceId}
    and L.IS_ACTIVE = 1
    and look.object = 'idea'
    GROUP BY, look.value

    <core:forEach items="${multi.rowsByIndex}" var="rowmv">
    <core:set var="mv_VALUE">${rowmv[0]}</core:set>
    <gel:parse var="indata">
    <gel:set insert="true" select="$v_idea/NikuDataBus/Ideas/Idea/CustomInformation/ColumnValue[@name='o2_area']" value="${indata}"/>
    <gel:out>[XOG]Logging into Clarity XOG at ${XOGURL}.</gel:out>
    <gel:log level="INFO" category="XOG">Logging into Clarity XOG at ${XOGURL}.</gel:log>
    <core:catch var="v_xog_exception">
    <soap:invoke endpoint="${XOGURL}/niku/xog" var="auth">
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xog="">
    <gel:set asString="true" select="$auth/soapenv:Envelope/soapenv:Body/xog:SessionID/text()" var="sessionID"/>
    <core:when test="${sessionID == null}">
    <gel:out>[XOG]Couldn't Log in to XOG. Check the username/password and Application has started.</gel:out>
    <gel:log level="ERROR" category="XOG">Couldn't Log in to XOG. Check the username/password and Application has started.</gel:log>
    <gel:out>[XOG]Log in successful ${sessionID}</gel:out>
    <gel:log level="INFO" category="XOG">[XOG]Log in successful ${sessionID}</gel:log>

    <core:catch var="v_xog_exception">
    <soap:invoke endpoint="${XOGURL}/niku/xog" var="runresult">
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xog="">
    <gel:include select="$v_idea/NikuDataBus"/>
    <gel:log>XML for build a product = <gel:expr select="$v_idea"/></gel:log>
    <gel:out>XML for build a product = <gel:expr select="$v_idea"/></gel:out>
    <core:when test="${v_xog_exception != null}">
    <gel:out>[XOG]XOG operation failed: ${v_xog_exception}</gel:out>
    <gel:log level="ERROR" category="XOG">XOG operation failed: ${v_xog_exception}</gel:log>
    <gel:set select="$runresult/soapenv:Envelope/soapenv:Body/XOGOutput" var="writeOutputRoot"/>
    <gel:set asString="true" select="$writeOutputRoot/Status/@state" var="XOGoutcome"/>
    <gel:set asString="true" select="$writeOutputRoot/Records/Record" var="XOGoutputrecords"/>
    <gel:set asString="true" select="$writeOutputRoot/Statistics/@totalNumberOfRecords" var="XOGtotalrecords"/>
    <gel:set asString="true" select="$writeOutputRoot/Statistics/@insertedRecords" var="XOGinsertedrecords"/>
    <gel:set asString="true" select="$writeOutputRoot/Statistics/@updatedRecords" var="XOGupdatedrecords"/>
    <gel:set asString="true" select="$writeOutputRoot/Statistics/@failureRecords" var="XOGfailurerecords"/>
    <gel:set asString="true" select="$writeOutputRoot/Records/Record/ErrorInformation/Description" var="XOGErrorDesc"/>
    <gel:out>[XOG]XOG operation completed [Total ${XOGtotalrecords}, Inserted ${XOGinsertedrecords}, Updated ${XOGupdatedrecords}, Failed ${XOGfailurerecords}</gel:out>
    <gel:log level="INFO" category="XOG">XOG operation completed [Total ${XOGtotalrecords}, Inserted ${XOGinsertedrecords}, Updated ${XOGupdatedrecords}, Failed ${XOGfailurerecords}]</gel:log>
    <gel:out>Error Information:${XOGErrorDesc}</gel:out>
    <gel:log level="INFO" category="XOG">Error Information:${XOGErrorDesc}</gel:log>
    <soap:invoke endpoint="${XOGURL}/niku/xog" var="logoutresult">
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xog="">
    <gel:out>[XOG]Logged out </gel:out>
    <gel:log level="INFO" category="XOG">Logged out </gel:log>
    <core:if test="${v_xog_exception != null}">
    <gel:out>XOG failed: ${v_xog_exception}</gel:out>
    <gel:log level="ERROR" category="XOG">XOG failed: ${v_xog_exception}</gel:log>
    <core:new className="java.util.GregorianCalendar" var="endtime" />
    <gel:log level="INFO">Time taken: ${(endtime.getTimeInMillis() - starttime.getTimeInMillis())/1000} seconds</gel:log>

    The resulting log entry looks like this and shows the Idea ID and Name missing......

    ERROR 2020-01-16 15:07:39,763 [Custom script execution pool-11-thread-12] utilities.BpmErrors (clarity:rmuir:94017814__CE75E6D5-6EFB-4F99-93B2-2C2E949FACBC:none)

    Begin Error Information:
    Step Action Id: 5310368
    Process Instance Id: 8718030
    Step Instance Id: 14652079
    Error: bpm.raw.message
    Error Code: bpm.raw.message
    Exception Trace: XOG URL: http://cnmlw-esxvm-321:8080/niku/xog
    End Error Information

    ERROR 2020-01-16 15:07:39,776 [Custom script execution pool-11-thread-12] utilities.BpmErrors (clarity:rmuir:94017814__CE75E6D5-6EFB-4F99-93B2-2C2E949FACBC:none)

    Begin Error Information:
    Step Action Id: 5310368
    Process Instance Id: 8718030
    Step Instance Id: 14652079
    Error: bpm.raw.message
    Error Code: bpm.raw.message
    Exception Trace: [XOG]Logging into Clarity XOG at http://cnmlw-esxvm-321:8080.
    End Error Information

    ERROR 2020-01-16 15:07:39,842 [Custom script execution pool-11-thread-12] utilities.BpmErrors (clarity:rmuir:94017814__CE75E6D5-6EFB-4F99-93B2-2C2E949FACBC:none)

    Begin Error Information:
    Step Action Id: 5310368
    Process Instance Id: 8718030
    Step Instance Id: 14652079
    Error: bpm.raw.message
    Error Code: bpm.raw.message
    Exception Trace: [XOG][XOG]Log in successful 94018831__2CC4DC4B-A8EA-4375-8719-B798A7E98ACE
    End Error Information

    ERROR 2020-01-16 15:07:39,843 [Custom script execution pool-11-thread-12] utilities.BpmErrors (clarity:rmuir:94017814__CE75E6D5-6EFB-4F99-93B2-2C2E949FACBC:none)

    Begin Error Information:
    Step Action Id: 5310368
    Process Instance Id: 8718030
    Step Instance Id: 14652079
    Error: bpm.raw.message
    Error Code: bpm.raw.message
    Exception Trace: XML for build a product =<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <NikuDataBus xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/nikuxog_idea.xsd">
    <Header action="write" externalSource="NIKU" objectType="idea" version=""/>
    <ColumnValue name="o2_area">

    End Error Information

    ERROR 2020-01-16 15:07:39,904 [Custom script execution pool-11-thread-12] utilities.BpmErrors (clarity:rmuir:94017814__CE75E6D5-6EFB-4F99-93B2-2C2E949FACBC:none)

    Begin Error Information:
    Step Action Id: 5310368
    Process Instance Id: 8718030
    Step Instance Id: 14652079
    Error: bpm.raw.message
    Error Code: bpm.raw.message
    Exception Trace: [XOG]XOG operation completed [Total 0, Inserted 0, Updated 0, Failed 0]
    End Error Information

    ERROR 2020-01-16 15:07:39,904 [Custom script execution pool-11-thread-12] utilities.BpmErrors (clarity:rmuir:94017814__CE75E6D5-6EFB-4F99-93B2-2C2E949FACBC:none)

    Begin Error Information:
    Step Action Id: 5310368
    Process Instance Id: 8718030
    Step Instance Id: 14652079
    Error: bpm.raw.message
    Error Code: bpm.raw.message
    Exception Trace: [XOG]Error Information:
    End Error Information

    ERROR 2020-01-16 15:07:39,922 [Custom script execution pool-11-thread-12] utilities.BpmErrors (clarity:rmuir:94017814__CE75E6D5-6EFB-4F99-93B2-2C2E949FACBC:none)

    Begin Error Information:
    Step Action Id: 5310368
    Process Instance Id: 8718030
    Step Instance Id: 14652079
    Error: bpm.raw.message
    Error Code: bpm.raw.message
    Exception Trace: [XOG]Logged out
    End Error Information

    ERROR 2020-01-16 15:07:39,923 [Custom script execution pool-11-thread-12] utilities.BpmErrors (clarity:rmuir:94017814__CE75E6D5-6EFB-4F99-93B2-2C2E949FACBC:none)

    Begin Error Information:
    Step Action Id: 5310368
    Process Instance Id: 8718030
    Step Instance Id: 14652079
    Error: bpm.raw.message
    Error Code: bpm.raw.message
    Exception Trace: Time taken: 0.16 seconds
    End Error Information

    ERROR 2020-01-16 15:07:39,930 [Custom script execution pool-11-thread-12] utilities.BpmErrors (clarity:rmuir:94017814__CE75E6D5-6EFB-4F99-93B2-2C2E949FACBC:none)

    Begin Error Information:
    Step Action Id: 5310368
    Process Instance Id: 8718030
    Step Instance Id: 14652079
    Error: bpm.customScriptDone
    Error Code: bpm.customScriptDone
    End Error Information

  • 2.  RE: Problem with GEL/XOG in process
    Best Answer

    Posted Jan 17, 2020 04:01 AM
    That is curious ; if I were trying to debug this I would put some gel:log/out statements in at the point that you write the idea_code and idea_name to the v_idea XML
    (so that would tell me if I was getting the data I expected correctly out of the first SQL) - and I'd probably also dump the entire v_idea XML out immediately after I had built it (i.e. before the second bit of SQL). And dump it out before/after you build the indata XML (dump that out too as soon as you build it); my suspicion would be that its losing something either in that first SQL statement or when you try to build the second XML from the first (I struggle to debug that XPATH syntax by sight)!

    Good luck.

  • 3.  RE: Problem with GEL/XOG in process

    Posted Jan 17, 2020 10:07 AM
    Thanks David.  Will see what I can come up with following your advise