I have been unable to find a table of the hornetq error codes, so I have capture the following from the existing jar file deployed for the Identity Suite solution using Wildfly 8.2.1. with hornetq-server-2.4.5.Final.jar & others:
Note: Challenge, some HQ messages are only written in the class file sections, and not the properties.
Missing HQ202125.
Below is a view of the properties with HQXXXXX code. This list is not complete, and I will update it for my reference:
# This file is for reference only, changes have no effect on the generated interface implementations.
# Id: 119000
# Message: Activation for server {0}
activationForServer=Activation for server {0}
# Id: 119001
# Message: Generating thread dump because - {0}
generatingThreadDump=Generating thread dump because - {0}
# Id: 119002
# Message: Thread {0} name = {1} id = {2} group = {3}
threadDump=Thread {0} name = {1} id = {2} group = {3}
# Id: 119003
# Message: End Thread dump
endThreadDump=End Thread dump
# Id: 119004
# Message: Information about server {0}
Cluster Connection:{1}
serverDescribe=Information about server {0}
Cluster Connection:{1}
# Id: 119005
# Message: connections for {0} closed by management
connectionsClosedByManagement=connections for {0} closed by management
# Id: 119006
# Message: journals are not JournalImpl. You can't set a replicator!
notJournalImpl=journals are not JournalImpl. You can't set a replicator!
# Id: 119007
# Message: unhandled error during replication
replicationUnhandledError=unhandled error during replication
# Id: 119008
# Message: Live Node contains more journals than the backup node. Probably a version match error
replicationTooManyJournals=Live Node contains more journals than the backup node. Probably a version match error
# Id: 119009
# Message: Unhandled file type {0}
replicationUnhandledFileType=Unhandled file type {0}
# Id: 119010
# Message: Remote Backup can not be up-to-date!
replicationBackupUpToDate=Remote Backup can not be up-to-date!
# Id: 119011
# Message: unhandled data type!
replicationUnhandledDataType=unhandled data type!
# Id: 119012
# Message: No binding for divert {0}
noBindingForDivert=No binding for divert {0}
# Id: 119013
# Message: Binding {0} is not a divert
bindingNotDivert=Binding {0} is not a divert
# Id: 119014
# Message: Did not receive data from {0}. It is likely the client has exited or crashed without closing its connection, or the network between the server and client has failed. You also might have configured connection-ttl and client-failure-check-period incorrectly. Please check user manual for more information. The connection will now be closed.
clientExited=Did not receive data from {0}. It is likely the client has exited or crashed without closing its connection, or the network between the server and client has failed. You also might have configured connection-ttl and client-failure-check-period incorrectly. Please check user manual for more information. The connection will now be closed.
# Id: 119015
# Message: Timeout on waiting I/O completion
ioTimeout=Timeout on waiting I/O completion
# Id: 119016
# Message: queue {0} has been removed cannot deliver message, queues should not be removed when grouping is used
groupingQueueRemoved=queue {0} has been removed cannot deliver message, queues should not be removed when grouping is used
# Id: 119017
# Message: Queue {0} does not exist
noSuchQueue=Queue {0} does not exist
# Id: 119018
# Message: Binding already exists {0}
bindingAlreadyExists=Binding already exists {0}
# Id: 119019
# Message: Queue already exists {0}
queueAlreadyExists=Queue already exists {0}
# Id: 119020
# Message: Invalid filter: {0}
invalidFilter=Invalid filter: {0}
# Id: 119021
# Message: MessageId was not assigned to Message
messageIdNotAssigned=MessageId was not assigned to Message
# Id: 119022
# Message: Cannot compare journals if not in sync!
journalsNotInSync=Cannot compare journals if not in sync!
# Id: 119023
# Message: Connected server is not a backup server
serverNotBackupServer=Connected server is not a backup server
# Id: 119024
# Message: Backup replication server is already connected to another server
alreadyHaveReplicationServer=Backup replication server is already connected to another server
# Id: 119025
# Message: Cannot delete queue {0} on binding {1} - it has consumers = {2}
cannotDeleteQueue=Cannot delete queue {0} on binding {1} - it has consumers = {2}
# Id: 119026
# Message: Backup Server was not yet in sync with live
backupServerNotInSync=Backup Server was not yet in sync with live
# Id: 119027
# Message: Could not find reference on consumer ID={0}, messageId = {1} queue = {2}
consumerNoReference=Could not find reference on consumer ID={0}, messageId = {1} queue = {2}
# Id: 119028
# Message: Consumer {0} doesn't exist on the server
consumerDoesntExist=Consumer {0} doesn't exist on the server
# Id: 119029
# Message: No address configured on the Server's Session
noAddress=No address configured on the Server's Session
# Id: 119030
# Message: large-message not initialized on server
largeMessageNotInitialised=large-message not initialized on server
# Id: 119031
# Message: Unable to validate user: {0}
unableToValidateUser=Unable to validate user: {0}
# Id: 119032
# Message: User: {0} doesn't have permission='{1}' on address {2}
userNoPermissions=User: {0} doesn't have permission='{1}' on address {2}
# Id: 119033
# Message: Server and client versions incompatible
incompatibleClientServer=Server and client versions incompatible
# Id: 119034
# Message: Server not started
serverNotStarted=Server not started
# Id: 119035
# Message: Metadata {0}={1} had been set already
duplicateMetadata=Metadata {0}={1} had been set already
# Id: 119036
# Message: Invalid type: {0}
invalidType=Invalid type: {0}
# Id: 119037
# Message: retry interval must be positive, was {0}
invalidRetryInterval=retry interval must be positive, was {0}
# Id: 119038
# Message: {0} must neither be null nor empty
emptyOrNull={0} must neither be null nor empty
# Id: 119039
# Message: {0} must be greater than 0 (actual value: {1})
greaterThanZero.2={0} must be greater than 0 (actual value: {1})
# Id: 119040
# Message: {0} must be a valid percentual value between 0 and 100 (actual value: {1})
notPercent={0} must be a valid percentual value between 0 and 100 (actual value: {1})
# Id: 119041
# Message: {0} must be equals to -1 or greater than 0 (actual value: {1})
greaterThanMinusOne={0} must be equals to -1 or greater than 0 (actual value: {1})
# Id: 119042
# Message: {0} must be equals to -1 or greater or equals to 0 (actual value: {1})
greaterThanZeroOrMinusOne={0} must be equals to -1 or greater or equals to 0 (actual value: {1})
# Id: 119043
# Message: {0} must be between {1} and {2} inclusive (actual value: {3})
mustbeBetween={0} must be between {1} and {2} inclusive (actual value: {3})
# Id: 119044
# Message: Invalid journal type {0}
invalidJournalType=Invalid journal type {0}
# Id: 119045
# Message: Invalid address full message policy type {0}
invalidAddressFullPolicyType=Invalid address full message policy type {0}
# Id: 119046
# Message: invalid value: {0} count must be greater than 0
greaterThanZero.1=invalid value: {0} count must be greater than 0
# Id: 119047
# Message: Cannot set Message Counter Sample Period < {0}ms
invalidMessageCounterPeriod=Cannot set Message Counter Sample Period < {0}ms
# Id: 119048
# Message: invalid new Priority value: {0}. It must be between 0 and 9 (both included)
invalidNewPriority=invalid new Priority value: {0}. It must be between 0 and 9 (both included)
# Id: 119049
# Message: No queue found for {0}
noQueueFound=No queue found for {0}
# Id: 119050
# Message: Only NIO and AsyncIO are supported journals
invalidJournal=Only NIO and AsyncIO are supported journals
# Id: 119051
# Message: Invalid journal type {0}
invalidJournalType2=Invalid journal type {0}
# Id: 119052
# Message: Directory {0} does not exist and cannot be created
cannotCreateDir=Directory {0} does not exist and cannot be created
# Id: 119053
# Message: Invalid index {0}
invalidIndex=Invalid index {0}
# Id: 119054
# Message: Cannot convert to int
cannotConvertToInt=Cannot convert to int
# Id: 119055
# Message: Routing name is null
routeNameIsNull=Routing name is null
# Id: 119056
# Message: Cluster name is null
clusterNameIsNull=Cluster name is null
# Id: 119057
# Message: Address is null
addressIsNull=Address is null
# Id: 119058
# Message: Binding type not specified
bindingTypeNotSpecified=Binding type not specified
# Id: 119059
# Message: Binding ID is null
bindingIdNotSpecified=Binding ID is null
# Id: 119060
# Message: Distance is null
distancenotSpecified=Distance is null
# Id: 119061
# Message: Connection already exists with id {0}
connectionExists=Connection already exists with id {0}
# Id: 119062
# Message: Acceptor with id {0} already registered
acceptorExists=Acceptor with id {0} already registered
# Id: 119063
# Message: Acceptor with id {0} not registered
acceptorNotExists=Acceptor with id {0} not registered
# Id: 119064
# Message: Unknown protocol {0}
unknownProtocol=Unknown protocol {0}
# Id: 119065
# Message: node id is null
nodeIdNull=node id is null
# Id: 119066
# Message: Queue name is null
queueNameIsNull=Queue name is null
# Id: 119067
# Message: Cannot find resource with name {0}
cannotFindResource=Cannot find resource with name {0}
# Id: 119068
# Message: no getter method for {0}
noGetterMethod=no getter method for {0}
# Id: 119069
# Message: no operation {0}/{1}
noOperation=no operation {0}/{1}
# Id: 119070
# Message: match can not be null
nullMatch=match can not be null
# Id: 119071
# Message: # can only be at end of match
invalidMatch=# can only be at end of match
# Id: 119072
# Message: User cannot be null
nullUser=User cannot be null
# Id: 119073
# Message: Password cannot be null
nullPassword=Password cannot be null
# Id: 119074
# Message: Error instantiating transformer class {0}
errorCreatingTransformerClass=Error instantiating transformer class {0}
# Id: 119075
# Message: method autoEncode doesn't know how to convert {0} yet
autoConvertError=method autoEncode doesn't know how to convert {0} yet
# Id: 119076
# Message: Executing destroyConnection with {0}={1} through management's request
destroyConnectionWithSessionMetadataHeader=Executing destroyConnection with {0}={1} through management's request
# Id: 119077
# Message: Closing connection {0}
destroyConnectionWithSessionMetadataClosingConnection=Closing connection {0}
# Id: 119078
# Message: Disconnected per admin's request on {0}={1}
destroyConnectionWithSessionMetadataSendException=Disconnected per admin's request on {0}={1}
# Id: 119079
# Message: No session found with {0}={1}
destroyConnectionWithSessionMetadataNoSessionFound=No session found with {0}={1}
# Id: 119080
# Message: Invalid Page IO, PagingManager was stopped or closed
invalidPageIO=Invalid Page IO, PagingManager was stopped or closed
# Id: 119081
# Message: No Discovery Group configuration named {0} found
noDiscoveryGroupFound=No Discovery Group configuration named {0} found
# Id: 119082
# Message: Queue {0} already exists on another subscription
queueSubscriptionBelongsToDifferentAddress=Queue {0} already exists on another subscription
# Id: 119083
# Message: Queue {0} has a different filter than requested
queueSubscriptionBelongsToDifferentFilter=Queue {0} has a different filter than requested
# Id: 119085
# Message: Classpath lacks a protocol-manager for protocol {0}
noProtocolManagerFound=Classpath lacks a protocol-manager for protocol {0}
# Id: 119099
# Message: Unable to authenticate cluster user: {0}
unableToValidateClusterUser=Unable to authenticate cluster user: {0}
# Id: 119100
# Message: Trying to move a journal file that refers to a file instead of a directory: {0}
journalDirIsFile=Trying to move a journal file that refers to a file instead of a directory: {0}
# Id: 119101
# Message: error trying to backup journal files at directory: {0}
couldNotMoveJournal=error trying to backup journal files at directory: {0}
# Id: 119102
# Message: Address "{0}" is full.
addressIsFull=Address "{0}" is full.
# Id: 119103
# Message: Server is stopping. Message grouping not allowed
groupWhileStopping=Server is stopping. Message grouping not allowed
# Id: 119107
# Message: consumer connections for address {0} closed by management
consumerConnectionsClosedByManagement=consumer connections for address {0} closed by management
# Id: 119108
# Message: connections for user {0} closed by management
connectionsForUserClosedByManagement=connections for user {0} closed by management
# This file is for reference only, changes have no effect on the generated interface implementations.
# Id: 221000
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: {0} server is starting with configuration {1}
serverStarting={0} server is starting with configuration {1}
# Id: 221001
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: HornetQ Server version {0} [{1}] {2}
serverStarted=HornetQ Server version {0} [{1}] {2}
# Id: 221002
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: HornetQ Server version {0} [{1}] stopped
serverStopped=HornetQ Server version {0} [{1}] stopped
# Id: 221003
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: trying to deploy queue {0}
deployQueue=trying to deploy queue {0}
# Id: 221004
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: {0}
# Id: 221005
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Deleting pending large message as it was not completed: {0}
deletingPendingMessage=Deleting pending large message as it was not completed: {0}
# Id: 221006
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Waiting to obtain live lock
awaitingLiveLock=Waiting to obtain live lock
# Id: 221007
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Server is now live
serverIsLive.0=Server is now live
# Id: 221008
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: live server wants to restart, restarting server in backup
awaitFailBack=live server wants to restart, restarting server in backup
# Id: 221109
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: HornetQ Backup Server version {0} [{1}] started, waiting live to fail before it gets active
backupServerStarted=HornetQ Backup Server version {0} [{1}] started, waiting live to fail before it gets active
# Id: 221010
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Backup Server is now live
backupServerIsLive=Backup Server is now live
# Id: 221011
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Server {0} is now live
serverIsLive.1=Server {0} is now live
# Id: 221012
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Using AIO Journal
journalUseAIO=Using AIO Journal
# Id: 221013
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Using NIO Journal
journalUseNIO=Using NIO Journal
# Id: 221014
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: {0}% loaded
percentLoaded={0}% loaded
# Id: 221015
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Can not find queue {0} while reloading ACKNOWLEDGE_CURSOR, deleting record now
journalCannotFindQueueReloading=Can not find queue {0} while reloading ACKNOWLEDGE_CURSOR, deleting record now
# Id: 221016
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Can not find queue {0} while reloading PAGE_CURSOR_COUNTER_VALUE, deleting record now
journalCannotFindQueueReloadingPage=Can not find queue {0} while reloading PAGE_CURSOR_COUNTER_VALUE, deleting record now
# Id: 221017
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Can not find queue {0} while reloading PAGE_CURSOR_COUNTER_INC, deleting record now
journalCannotFindQueueReloadingPageCursor=Can not find queue {0} while reloading PAGE_CURSOR_COUNTER_INC, deleting record now
# Id: 221018
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Large message: {0} did not have any associated reference, file will be deleted
largeMessageWithNoRef=Large message: {0} did not have any associated reference, file will be deleted
# Id: 221019
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Deleting unreferenced message id={0} from the journal
journalUnreferencedMessage=Deleting unreferenced message id={0} from the journal
# Id: 221020
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Started Netty Acceptor version {0} {1}:{2,number,#}
startedNettyAcceptor=Started Netty Acceptor version {0} {1}:{2,number,#}
# Id: 221021
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: failed to remove connection
errorRemovingConnection=failed to remove connection
# Id: 221022
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: unable to start connector service: {0}
errorStartingConnectorService=unable to start connector service: {0}
# Id: 221023
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: unable to stop connector service: {0}
errorStoppingConnectorService=unable to stop connector service: {0}
# Id: 221024
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Backup server {0} is synchronized with live-server.
backupServerSynched=Backup server {0} is synchronized with live-server.
# Id: 221025
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Replication: sending {0} (size={1}) to backup. {2}
journalSynch=Replication: sending {0} (size={1}) to backup. {2}
# Id: 221026
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Bridge {0} connected to fowardingAddress={1}. {2} does not have any bindings what means messages will be ignored until a binding is created.
bridgeNoBindings=Bridge {0} connected to fowardingAddress={1}. {2} does not have any bindings what means messages will be ignored until a binding is created.
# Id: 221027
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Bridge {0} is connected
bridgeConnected=Bridge {0} is connected
# Id: 221028
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Bridge is stopping, will not retry
bridgeStopping=Bridge is stopping, will not retry
# Id: 221029
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: stopped bridge {0}
bridgeStopped=stopped bridge {0}
# Id: 221030
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: paused bridge {0}
bridgePaused=paused bridge {0}
# Id: 221031
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: backup announced
backupAnnounced=backup announced
# Id: 221032
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Waiting to become backup node
waitingToBecomeBackup=Waiting to become backup node
# Id: 221033
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: ** got backup lock
gotBackupLock=** got backup lock
# Id: 221034
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Waiting to obtain live lock
waitingToObtainLiveLock=Waiting to obtain live lock
# Id: 221035
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Live Server Obtained live lock
obtainedLiveLock=Live Server Obtained live lock
# Id: 221036
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Message with duplicate ID {0} was already set at {1}. Move from {2} being ignored and message removed from {3}
messageWithDuplicateID=Message with duplicate ID {0} was already set at {1}. Move from {2} being ignored and message removed from {3}
# Id: 221037
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: {0} to become ''live''
becomingLive={0} to become ''live''
# Id: 221038
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Configuration option {0} is deprecated. Consult the manual for details.
deprecatedConfigurationOption=Configuration option {0} is deprecated. Consult the manual for details.
# Id: 221039
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Restarting as Replicating backup server after live restart
restartingReplicatedBackupAfterFailback=Restarting as Replicating backup server after live restart
# Id: 221040
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Remote group coordinators did not start yet
remoteGroupCoordinatorsNotStarted=Remote group coordinators did not start yet
# Id: 221041
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Cannot find queue {0} while reloading PAGE_CURSOR_COMPLETE, deleting record now
cantFindQueueOnPageComplete=Cannot find queue {0} while reloading PAGE_CURSOR_COMPLETE, deleting record now
# Id: 221042
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Bridge {0} timed out waiting for the completion of {1} messages, we will just shutdown the bridge after 10 seconds wait
timedOutWaitingCompletions=Bridge {0} timed out waiting for the completion of {1} messages, we will just shutdown the bridge after 10 seconds wait
# Id: 221043
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Adding protocol support {0}
addingProtocolSupport=Adding protocol support {0}
# Id: 221044
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Backup Server has recovered journal to live server, restarting as backup
backupServerRecovered=Backup Server has recovered journal to live server, restarting as backup
# Id: 221045
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: libaio is not available, switching the configuration into NIO
switchingNIO=libaio is not available, switching the configuration into NIO
# Id: 222000
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: HornetQServer is being finalized and has not been stopped. Please remember to stop the server before letting it go out of scope
serverFinalisedWIthoutBeingSTopped=HornetQServer is being finalized and has not been stopped. Please remember to stop the server before letting it go out of scope
# Id: 222001
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error closing sessions while stopping server
errorClosingSessionsWhileStoppingServer=Error closing sessions while stopping server
# Id: 222002
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Timed out waiting for pool to terminate {0}. Interrupting all its threads!
timedOutStoppingThreadpool=Timed out waiting for pool to terminate {0}. Interrupting all its threads!
# Id: 222003
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Must specify a name for each divert. This one will not be deployed.
divertWithNoName=Must specify a name for each divert. This one will not be deployed.
# Id: 222004
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Must specify an address for each divert. This one will not be deployed.
divertWithNoAddress=Must specify an address for each divert. This one will not be deployed.
# Id: 222005
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Must specify a forwarding address for each divert. This one will not be deployed.
divertWithNoForwardingAddress=Must specify a forwarding address for each divert. This one will not be deployed.
# Id: 222006
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Binding already exists with name {0}, divert will not be deployed
divertBindingNotExists=Binding already exists with name {0}, divert will not be deployed
# Id: 222007
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Security risk! HornetQ is running with the default cluster admin user and default password. Please see the HornetQ user guide, cluster chapter, for instructions on how to change this.
clusterSecurityRisk=Security risk! HornetQ is running with the default cluster admin user and default password. Please see the HornetQ user guide, cluster chapter, for instructions on how to change this.
# Id: 222008
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: unable to restart server, please kill and restart manually
serverRestartWarning=unable to restart server, please kill and restart manually
# Id: 222009
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Unable to announce backup for replication. Trying to stop the server.
replicatiProblem=Unable to announce backup for replication. Trying to stop the server.
# Id: 222010
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Critical IO Error, shutting down the server. file={1}, message={0}
ioCriticalIOError=Critical IO Error, shutting down the server. file={1}, message={0}
# Id: 222011
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error stopping server
errorStoppingServer=Error stopping server
# Id: 222012
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Timed out waiting for backup activation to exit
backupActivationProblem=Timed out waiting for backup activation to exit
# Id: 222013
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error when trying to start replication
errorStartingReplication.0=Error when trying to start replication
# Id: 222014
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error when trying to stop replication
errorStoppingReplication=Error when trying to stop replication
# Id: 222015
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: {0}
# Id: 222016
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Cannot deploy a connector with no name specified.
connectorWithNoName=Cannot deploy a connector with no name specified.
# Id: 222017
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: There is already a connector with name {0} deployed. This one will not be deployed.
connectorAlreadyDeployed=There is already a connector with name {0} deployed. This one will not be deployed.
# Id: 222018
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: AIO was not located on this platform, it will fall back to using pure Java NIO. If your platform is Linux, install LibAIO to enable the AIO journal
AIONotFound=AIO was not located on this platform, it will fall back to using pure Java NIO. If your platform is Linux, install LibAIO to enable the AIO journal
# Id: 222019
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: There is already a discovery group with name {0} deployed. This one will not be deployed.
discoveryGroupAlreadyDeployed=There is already a discovery group with name {0} deployed. This one will not be deployed.
# Id: 222020
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: error scanning for URL''s
errorScanningURLs=error scanning for URL''s
# Id: 222021
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: problem undeploying {0}
problemUndeployingNode=problem undeploying {0}
# Id: 222022
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Timed out waiting for paging cursor to stop {0} {1}
timedOutStoppingPagingCursor=Timed out waiting for paging cursor to stop {0} {1}
# Id: 222023
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: problem cleaning page address {0}
problemCleaningPageAddress=problem cleaning page address {0}
# Id: 222024
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Could not complete operations on IO context {0}
problemCompletingOperations=Could not complete operations on IO context {0}
# Id: 222025
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Problem cleaning page subscription counter
problemCleaningPagesubscriptionCounter=Problem cleaning page subscription counter
# Id: 222026
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error on cleaning up cursor pages
problemCleaningCursorPages=Error on cleaning up cursor pages
# Id: 222027
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Timed out flushing executors for paging cursor to stop {0}
timedOutFlushingExecutorsPagingCursor=Timed out flushing executors for paging cursor to stop {0}
# Id: 222028
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Could not find page cache for page {0} removing it from the journal
pageNotFound=Could not find page cache for page {0} removing it from the journal
# Id: 222029
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Could not locate page transaction {0}, ignoring message on position {1} on address={2} queue={3}
pageSubscriptionCouldntLoad=Could not locate page transaction {0}, ignoring message on position {1} on address={2} queue={3}
# Id: 222030
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: File {0} being renamed to {1}.invalidPage as it was loaded partially. Please verify your data.
pageInvalid=File {0} being renamed to {1}.invalidPage as it was loaded partially. Please verify your data.
# Id: 222031
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error while deleting page file
pageDeleteError=Error while deleting page file
# Id: 222032
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: page finalise error
pageFinaliseError=page finalise error
# Id: 222033
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Page file {0} had incomplete records at position {1} at record number {2}
pageSuspectFile=Page file {0} had incomplete records at position {1} at record number {2}
# Id: 222034
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Can not delete page transaction id={0}
pageTxDeleteError=Can not delete page transaction id={0}
# Id: 222035
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Directory {0} did not have an identification file {1}
pageStoreFactoryNoIdFile=Directory {0} did not have an identification file {1}
# Id: 222036
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Timed out on waiting PagingStore {0} to shutdown
pageStoreTimeout=Timed out on waiting PagingStore {0} to shutdown
# Id: 222037
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: IO Error, impossible to start paging
pageStoreStartIOError=IO Error, impossible to start paging
# Id: 222038
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Starting paging on {0}, size = {1}, maxSize={2}
pageStoreStart=Starting paging on {0}, size = {1}, maxSize={2}
# Id: 222039
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Messages are being dropped on address {0}
pageStoreDropMessages=Messages are being dropped on address {0}
# Id: 222040
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Server is stopped
serverIsStopped=Server is stopped
# Id: 222041
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Cannot find queue {0} to update delivery count
journalCannotFindQueueDelCount=Cannot find queue {0} to update delivery count
# Id: 222042
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Cannot find message {0} to update delivery count
journalCannotFindMessageDelCount=Cannot find message {0} to update delivery count
# Id: 222043
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Message for queue {0} which does not exist. This message will be ignored.
journalCannotFindQueueForMessage=Message for queue {0} which does not exist. This message will be ignored.
# Id: 222044
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: It was not possible to delete message {0}
journalErrorDeletingMessage=It was not possible to delete message {0}
# Id: 222045
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Message in prepared tx for queue {0} which does not exist. This message will be ignored.
journalMessageInPreparedTX=Message in prepared tx for queue {0} which does not exist. This message will be ignored.
# Id: 222046
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Failed to remove reference for {0}
journalErrorRemovingRef=Failed to remove reference for {0}
# Id: 222047
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Can not find queue {0} while reloading ACKNOWLEDGE_CURSOR
journalCannotFindQueueReloadingACK=Can not find queue {0} while reloading ACKNOWLEDGE_CURSOR
# Id: 222048
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: PAGE_CURSOR_COUNTER_VALUE record used on a prepared statement, invalid state
journalPAGEOnPrepared=PAGE_CURSOR_COUNTER_VALUE record used on a prepared statement, invalid state
# Id: 222049
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: InternalError: Record type {0} not recognized. Maybe you are using journal files created on a different version
journalInvalidRecordType=InternalError: Record type {0} not recognized. Maybe you are using journal files created on a different version
# Id: 222050
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Can not locate recordType={0} on loadPreparedTransaction//deleteRecords
journalInvalidRecordTypeOnPreparedTX=Can not locate recordType={0} on loadPreparedTransaction//deleteRecords
# Id: 222051
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Journal Error
journalError=Journal Error
# Id: 222052
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: error incrementing delay detection
errorIncrementDelayDeletionCount=error incrementing delay detection
# Id: 222053
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error on copying large message {0} for DLA or Expiry
lareMessageErrorCopying=Error on copying large message {0} for DLA or Expiry
# Id: 222054
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error on executing IOAsyncTask
errorExecutingIOAsyncTask=Error on executing IOAsyncTask
# Id: 222055
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error on deleting duplicate cache
errorDeletingDuplicateCache=Error on deleting duplicate cache
# Id: 222056
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Did not route to any bindings for address {0} and sendToDLAOnNoRoute is true but there is no DLA configured for the address, the message will be ignored.
noDLA=Did not route to any bindings for address {0} and sendToDLAOnNoRoute is true but there is no DLA configured for the address, the message will be ignored.
# Id: 222057
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: It was not possible to add references due to an IO error code {0} message = {1}
ioErrorAddingReferences=It was not possible to add references due to an IO error code {0} message = {1}
# Id: 222058
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Duplicate message detected through the bridge - message will not be routed. Message information:
duplicateMessageDetectedThruBridge=Duplicate message detected through the bridge - message will not be routed. Message information:
# Id: 222059
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Duplicate message detected - message will not be routed. Message information:
duplicateMessageDetected=Duplicate message detected - message will not be routed. Message information:
# Id: 222060
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error while confirming large message completion on rollback for recordID={0}
journalErrorConfirmingLargeMessage=Error while confirming large message completion on rollback for recordID={0}
# Id: 222061
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Client connection failed, clearing up resources for session {0}
clientConnectionFailed=Client connection failed, clearing up resources for session {0}
# Id: 222062
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Cleared up resources for session {0}
clearingUpSession=Cleared up resources for session {0}
# Id: 222063
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error processing IOCallback code = {0} message = {1}
errorProcessingIOCallback=Error processing IOCallback code = {0} message = {1}
# Id: 222065
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Client is not being consistent on the request versioning. It just sent a version id={0} while it informed {1} previously
incompatibleVersionAfterConnect=Client is not being consistent on the request versioning. It just sent a version id={0} while it informed {1} previously
# Id: 222066
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Reattach request from {0} failed as there is no confirmationWindowSize configured, which may be ok for your system
reattachRequestFailed=Reattach request from {0} failed as there is no confirmationWindowSize configured, which may be ok for your system
# Id: 222067
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Connection failure has been detected: {0} [code={1}]
connectionFailureDetected=Connection failure has been detected: {0} [code={1}]
# Id: 222069
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: error cleaning up stomp connection
errorCleaningStompConn=error cleaning up stomp connection
# Id: 222070
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Stomp Transactional acknowledgement is not supported
stompTXAckNorSupported=Stomp Transactional acknowledgement is not supported
# Id: 222071
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Interrupted while waiting for stomp heart beate to die
errorOnStompHeartBeat=Interrupted while waiting for stomp heart beate to die
# Id: 222072
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Timed out flushing channel on InVMConnection
timedOutFlushingInvmChannel=Timed out flushing channel on InVMConnection
# Id: 222073
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Unexpected Netty Version was expecting {0} using {1} Version.ID
unexpectedNettyVersion=Unexpected Netty Version was expecting {0} using {1} Version.ID
# Id: 212074
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: channel group did not completely close
nettyChannelGroupError=channel group did not completely close
# Id: 222075
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: {0} is still connected to {1}
nettyChannelStillOpen={0} is still connected to {1}
# Id: 222076
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: channel group did not completely unbind
nettyChannelGroupBindError=channel group did not completely unbind
# Id: 222077
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: {0} is still bound to {1}
nettyChannelStillBound={0} is still bound to {1}
# Id: 222078
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error instantiating remoting interceptor {0}
errorCreatingRemotingInterceptor=Error instantiating remoting interceptor {0}
# Id: 222079
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: The following keys are invalid for configuring the acceptor: {0} the acceptor will not be started.
invalidAcceptorKeys=The following keys are invalid for configuring the acceptor: {0} the acceptor will not be started.
# Id: 222080
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error instantiating remoting acceptor {0}
errorCreatingAcceptor=Error instantiating remoting acceptor {0}
# Id: 222081
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Timed out waiting for remoting thread pool to terminate
timeoutRemotingThreadPool=Timed out waiting for remoting thread pool to terminate
# Id: 222082
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: error on connection failure check
errorOnFailureCheck=error on connection failure check
# Id: 222083
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: The following keys are invalid for configuring the connector service: {0} the connector will not be started.
connectorKeysInvalid=The following keys are invalid for configuring the connector service: {0} the connector will not be started.
# Id: 222084
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: The following keys are required for configuring the connector service: {0} the connector will not be started.
connectorKeysMissing=The following keys are required for configuring the connector service: {0} the connector will not be started.
# Id: 222085
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Packet {0} can not be processed by the ReplicationEndpoint
invalidPacketForReplication=Packet {0} can not be processed by the ReplicationEndpoint
# Id: 222086
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: error handling packet {0} for replication
errorHandlingReplicationPacket=error handling packet {0} for replication
# Id: 222087
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Replication Error while closing the page on backup
errorClosingPageOnReplication=Replication Error while closing the page on backup
# Id: 222088
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Journal comparison mismatch:
journalcomparisonMismatch=Journal comparison mismatch:
# Id: 222089
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Replication Error deleting large message ID = {0}
errorDeletingLargeMessage=Replication Error deleting large message ID = {0}
# Id: 222090
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Replication Large MessageID {0} is not available on backup server. Ignoring replication message
largeMessageNotAvailable=Replication Large MessageID {0} is not available on backup server. Ignoring replication message
# Id: 222091
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: The backup node has been shut-down, replication will now stop
replicatiOnBackupShutdown=The backup node has been shut-down, replication will now stop
# Id: 222092
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Connection to the backup node failed, removing replication now
replicatiOnBackupFail=Connection to the backup node failed, removing replication now
# Id: 222093
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Timed out waiting to stop Bridge
timedOutWaitingToStopBridge=Timed out waiting to stop Bridge
# Id: 222094
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Bridge unable to send message {0}, will try again once bridge reconnects
bridgeUnableToSendMessage=Bridge unable to send message {0}, will try again once bridge reconnects
# Id: 222095
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Connection failed with failedOver={0}
bridgeConnectionFailed=Connection failed with failedOver={0}
# Id: 222096
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error on querying binding on bridge {0}. Retrying in 100 milliseconds
errorQueryingBridge.1=Error on querying binding on bridge {0}. Retrying in 100 milliseconds
# Id: 222097
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Address {0} does not have any bindings yet, retry #({1})
errorQueryingBridge.2=Address {0} does not have any bindings yet, retry #({1})
# Id: 222098
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Server is starting, retry to create the session for bridge {0}
errorStartingBridge=Server is starting, retry to create the session for bridge {0}
# Id: 222099
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Bridge {0} is unable to connect to destination. It will be disabled.
errorConnectingBridge=Bridge {0} is unable to connect to destination. It will be disabled.
# Id: 222100
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: ServerLocator was shutdown, can not retry on opening connection for bridge
bridgeLocatorShutdown=ServerLocator was shutdown, can not retry on opening connection for bridge
# Id: 222101
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Bridge {0} achieved {1} maxattempts={2} it will stop retrying to reconnect
bridgeAbortStart=Bridge {0} achieved {1} maxattempts={2} it will stop retrying to reconnect
# Id: 222102
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Unexpected exception while trying to reconnect
errorReConnecting=Unexpected exception while trying to reconnect
# Id: 222103
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: transaction with xid {0} timed out
unexpectedXid=transaction with xid {0} timed out
# Id: 222104
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: IO Error completing the transaction, code = {0}, message = {1}
ioErrorOnTX=IO Error completing the transaction, code = {0}, message = {1}
# Id: 222105
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Could not finish context execution in 10 seconds
errorCompletingContext=Could not finish context execution in 10 seconds
# Id: 222106
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Replacing incomplete LargeMessage with ID={0}
replacingIncompleteLargeMessage=Replacing incomplete LargeMessage with ID={0}
# Id: 222107
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Cleared up resources for session {0}
clientConnectionFailedClearingSession=Cleared up resources for session {0}
# Id: 222108
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: unable to send notification when broadcast group is stopped
broadcastGroupClosed=unable to send notification when broadcast group is stopped
# Id: 222109
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: NodeID={0} is not available on the topology. Retrying the connection to that node now
nodeNotAvailable=NodeID={0} is not available on the topology. Retrying the connection to that node now
# Id: 222110
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: no queue IDs defined!, originalMessage = {0}, copiedMessage = {1}, props={2}
noQueueIdDefined=no queue IDs defined!, originalMessage = {0}, copiedMessage = {1}, props={2}
# Id: 222111
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: exception while invoking {0} on {1}
managementOperati=exception while invoking {0} on {1}
# Id: 222112
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: exception while retrieving attribute {0} on {1}
managementAttributeError=exception while retrieving attribute {0} on {1}
# Id: 222113
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: On ManagementService stop, there are {0} unexpected registered MBeans: {1}
managementStopError=On ManagementService stop, there are {0} unexpected registered MBeans: {1}
# Id: 222114
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Unable to delete group binding info {0}
unableToDeleteGroupBindings=Unable to delete group binding info {0}
# Id: 222115
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error closing serverLocator={0}
errorClosingServerLocator=Error closing serverLocator={0}
# Id: 222116
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: unable to start broadcast group {0}
unableToStartBroadcastGroup=unable to start broadcast group {0}
# Id: 222117
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: unable to start cluster connection {0}
unableToStartClusterConnection=unable to start cluster connection {0}
# Id: 222118
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: unable to start Bridge {0}
unableToStartBridge=unable to start Bridge {0}
# Id: 222119
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: No connector with name {0}. backup cannot be announced.
announceBackupNoConnector=No connector with name {0}. backup cannot be announced.
# Id: 222120
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: no cluster connections defined, unable to announce backup
announceBackupNoClusterConnections=no cluster connections defined, unable to announce backup
# Id: 222121
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Must specify a unique name for each bridge. This one will not be deployed.
bridgeNotUnique=Must specify a unique name for each bridge. This one will not be deployed.
# Id: 222122
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Must specify a queue name for each bridge. This one {0} will not be deployed.
bridgeNoQueue=Must specify a queue name for each bridge. This one {0} will not be deployed.
# Id: 222123
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Forward address is not specified on bridge {0}. Will use original message address instead
bridgeNoForwardAddress=Forward address is not specified on bridge {0}. Will use original message address instead
# Id: 222124
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: There is already a bridge with name {0} deployed. This one will not be deployed.
bridgeAlreadyDeployed=There is already a bridge with name {0} deployed. This one will not be deployed.
# Id: 222125
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: No queue found with name {0} bridge {1} will not be deployed.
bridgeQueueNotFound=No queue found with name {0} bridge {1} will not be deployed.
# Id: 222126
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: No discovery group found with name {0} bridge will not be deployed.
bridgeNoDiscoveryGroup=No discovery group found with name {0} bridge will not be deployed.
# Id: 222127
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Must specify a unique name for each cluster connection. This one will not be deployed.
clusterConnectionNotUnique=Must specify a unique name for each cluster connection. This one will not be deployed.
# Id: 222128
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Must specify an address for each cluster connection. This one will not be deployed.
clusterConnectionNoForwardAddress=Must specify an address for each cluster connection. This one will not be deployed.
# Id: 222129
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: No connector with name {0}. The cluster connection will not be deployed.
clusterConnectionNoConnector=No connector with name {0}. The cluster connection will not be deployed.
# Id: 222130
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Cluster Configuration {0} already exists. The cluster connection will not be deployed.
clusterConnectionAlreadyExists=Cluster Configuration {0} already exists. The cluster connection will not be deployed.
# Id: 222131
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: No discovery group with name {0}. The cluster connection will not be deployed.
clusterConnectionNoDiscoveryGroup=No discovery group with name {0}. The cluster connection will not be deployed.
# Id: 222132
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: There is already a broadcast-group with name {0} deployed. This one will not be deployed.
broadcastGroupAlreadyExists=There is already a broadcast-group with name {0} deployed. This one will not be deployed.
# Id: 222133
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: There is no connector deployed with name {0}. The broadcast group with name {1} will not be deployed.
broadcastGroupNoConnector=There is no connector deployed with name {0}. The broadcast group with name {1} will not be deployed.
# Id: 222134
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: No connector defined with name {0}. The bridge will not be deployed.
bridgeNoConnector=No connector defined with name {0}. The bridge will not be deployed.
# Id: 222135
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Stopping Redistributor, Timed out waiting for tasks to complete
errorStoppingRedistributor=Stopping Redistributor, Timed out waiting for tasks to complete
# Id: 222136
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: IO Error during redistribution, errorCode = {0} message = {1}
ioErrorRedistributing=IO Error during redistribution, errorCode = {0} message = {1}
# Id: 222137
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Unable to announce backup, retrying
errorAnnouncingBackup=Unable to announce backup, retrying
# Id: 222138
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Local Member is not set at on ClusterConnection {0}
noLocalMemborOnClusterConnection=Local Member is not set at on ClusterConnection {0}
# Id: 222139
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: {0}::Remote queue binding {1} has already been bound in the post office. Most likely cause for this is you have a loop in your cluster due to cluster max-hops being too large or you have multiple cluster connections to the same nodes using overlapping addresses
remoteQueueAlreadyBoundOnClusterConnection={0}::Remote queue binding {1} has already been bound in the post office. Most likely cause for this is you have a loop in your cluster due to cluster max-hops being too large or you have multiple cluster connections to the same nodes using overlapping addresses
# Id: 222140
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: problem closing backup session factory for cluster connection
errorClosingBackupFactoryOnClusterConnection=problem closing backup session factory for cluster connection
# Id: 222141
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Node Manager can not open file {0}
nodeManagerCantOpenFile=Node Manager can not open file {0}
# Id: 222142
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error on resetting large message deliver - {0}
errorResttingLargeMessage=Error on resetting large message deliver - {0}
# Id: 222143
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Timed out waiting for executor to complete
errorTransferringConsumer=Timed out waiting for executor to complete
# Id: 222144
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Queue could not finish waiting executors. Try increasing the thread pool size
errorFlushingExecutorsOnQueue=Queue could not finish waiting executors. Try increasing the thread pool size
# Id: 222145
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error expiring reference {0} 0n queue
errorExpiringReferencesOnQueue=Error expiring reference {0} 0n queue
# Id: 222146
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Message has expired. No bindings for Expiry Address {0} so dropping it
errorExpiringReferencesNoBindings=Message has expired. No bindings for Expiry Address {0} so dropping it
# Id: 222147
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Message has expired. No expiry queue configured for queue {0} so dropping it
errorExpiringReferencesNoQueue=Message has expired. No expiry queue configured for queue {0} so dropping it
# Id: 222148
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Message {0} has exceeded max delivery attempts. No bindings for Dead Letter Address {1} so dropping it
messageExceededMaxDelivery=Message {0} has exceeded max delivery attempts. No bindings for Dead Letter Address {1} so dropping it
# Id: 222149
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Message {0} has reached maximum delivery attempts, sending it to Dead Letter Address {1} from {2}
messageExceededMaxDeliverySendtoDLA=Message {0} has reached maximum delivery attempts, sending it to Dead Letter Address {1} from {2}
# Id: 222150
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Message has exceeded max delivery attempts. No Dead Letter Address configured for queue {0} so dropping it
messageExceededMaxDeliveryNoDLA=Message has exceeded max delivery attempts. No Dead Letter Address configured for queue {0} so dropping it
# Id: 222151
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: removing consumer which did not handle a message, consumer={0}, message={1}
removingBadConsumer=removing consumer which did not handle a message, consumer={0}, message={1}
# Id: 222152
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Unable to decrement reference counting on queue
errorDecrementingRefCount=Unable to decrement reference counting on queue
# Id: 222153
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Unable to remove message id = {0} please remove manually
errorRemovingMessage=Unable to remove message id = {0} please remove manually
# Id: 222154
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error checking DLQ
errorCheckingDLQ=Error checking DLQ
# Id: 222155
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Failed to register as backup. Stopping the server.
errorRegisteringBackup=Failed to register as backup. Stopping the server.
# Id: 222156
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Less than {0}%
You are in danger of running out of RAM. Have you set paging parameters on your addresses? (See user manual "Paging" chapter)
memoryError=Less than {0}%
You are in danger of running out of RAM. Have you set paging parameters on your addresses? (See user manual "Paging" chapter)
# Id: 222157
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error completing callback on replication manager
errorCompletingCallbackOnReplicationManager=Error completing callback on replication manager
# Id: 222158
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: {0} backup activation thread did not finish.
backupActivationDidntFinish={0} backup activation thread did not finish.
# Id: 222159
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: unable to send notification when broadcast group is stopped
broadcastBridgeStoppedError=unable to send notification when broadcast group is stopped
# Id: 222160
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: unable to send notification when broadcast group is stopped
notificationBridgeStoppedError=unable to send notification when broadcast group is stopped
# Id: 222161
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Group Handler timed-out waiting for sendCondition
groupHandlerSendTimeout=Group Handler timed-out waiting for sendCondition
# Id: 222162
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Moving data directory {0} to {1}
backupMovingDataAway=Moving data directory {0} to {1}
# Id: 222163
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Server is being completely stopped, since this was a replicated backup there may be journal files that need cleaning up. The HornetQ server will have to be manually restarted.
stopReplicatedBackupAfterFailback=Server is being completely stopped, since this was a replicated backup there may be journal files that need cleaning up. The HornetQ server will have to be manually restarted.
# Id: 222164
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error when trying to start replication {0}
errorStartingReplication.1=Error when trying to start replication {0}
# Id: 222165
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error starting naming server
unableToStartNamingServer=Error starting naming server
# Id: 222166
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error stopping naming server
unableToStopNamingServer=Error stopping naming server
# Id: 222167
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Group Binding not available so deleting {0} groups from {1}, groups will be bound to another node
groupingQueueRemoved=Group Binding not available so deleting {0} groups from {1}, groups will be bound to another node
# Id: 222168
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: The 'protocol' property is deprecated, if you want this Acceptor to support multiple protocols use the 'protocols' property, i.e. 'CORE,AMQP,STOMP'
warnDeprecatedProtocol=The 'protocol' property is deprecated, if you want this Acceptor to support multiple protocols use the 'protocols' property, i.e. 'CORE,AMQP,STOMP'
# Id: 222169
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: You have old legacy clients connected to the queue {0} and we can't disconnect them, these clients may just hang
warnDisconnectOldClient=You have old legacy clients connected to the queue {0} and we can't disconnect them, these clients may just hang
# Id: 222170
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Bridge {0} forwarding address {1} has confirmation-window-size ({2}) greater than address'' max-size-bytes'' ({3})
bridgeConfirmationWindowTooSmall=Bridge {0} forwarding address {1} has confirmation-window-size ({2}) greater than address'' max-size-bytes'' ({3})
# Id: 222171
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Bridge {0} forwarding address {1} could not be resolved on address-settings configuration
bridgeCantFindAddressConfig=Bridge {0} forwarding address {1} could not be resolved on address-settings configuration
# Id: 222172
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Queue {0} was busy for more than {1} milliseconds. There are possibly consumers hanging on a network operation
queueBusy=Queue {0} was busy for more than {1} milliseconds. There are possibly consumers hanging on a network operation
# Id: 222173
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Queue {0} is duplicated during reload. This queue will be renamed as {1}
queueDuplicatedRenaming=Queue {0} is duplicated during reload. This queue will be renamed as {1}
# Id: 222174
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Queue {0}, on address={1}, is taking too long to flush deliveries. Watch out for frozen clients.
timeoutFlushInTransit=Queue {0}, on address={1}, is taking too long to flush deliveries. Watch out for frozen clients.
# Id: 222175
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Bridge {0} could not find configured connectors
bridgeCantFindConnectors=Bridge {0} could not find configured connectors
# Id: 222176
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: A session that was already doing XA work on {0} is replacing the xid by {1} . This was most likely caused from a previous communication timeout
xidReplacedOnXStart=A session that was already doing XA work on {0} is replacing the xid by {1} . This was most likely caused from a previous communication timeout
# Id: 222177
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Wrong configuration for role, {0} is not a valid permission
rolePermissionConfigurati=Wrong configuration for role, {0} is not a valid permission
# Id: 222178
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error during recovery of page counters
errorRecoveringPageCounter=Error during recovery of page counters
# Id: 224000
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Failure in initialisation
initializati=Failure in initialisation
# Id: 224001
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Error deploying URI {0}
errorDeployingURI.1=Error deploying URI {0}
# Id: 224002
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Error deploying URI
errorDeployingURI.0=Error deploying URI
# Id: 224003
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Error undeploying URI {0}
errorUnDeployingURI=Error undeploying URI {0}
# Id: 224004
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: key attribute missing for configuration {0}
keyAttributeMissing=key attribute missing for configuration {0}
# Id: 224005
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Unable to deploy node {0}
unableToDeployNode=Unable to deploy node {0}
# Id: 224006
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Invalid filter: {0}
invalidFilter=Invalid filter: {0}
# Id: 224007
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: page subscription = {0} error={1}
pageSubscripti=page subscription = {0} error={1}
# Id: 224008
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Failed to store id
batchingIdError=Failed to store id
# Id: 224009
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Cannot find message {0}
cannotFindMessage=Cannot find message {0}
# Id: 224010
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Cannot find queue messages for queueID={0} on ack for messageID={1}
journalCannotFindQueue=Cannot find queue messages for queueID={0} on ack for messageID={1}
# Id: 224011
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Cannot find queue messages {0} for message {1} while processing scheduled messages
journalCannotFindQueueScheduled=Cannot find queue messages {0} for message {1} while processing scheduled messages
# Id: 224012
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: error releasing resources
largeMessageErrorReleasingResources=error releasing resources
# Id: 224013
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: failed to expire messages for queue
errorExpiringMessages=failed to expire messages for queue
# Id: 224014
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Failed to close session
errorClosingSession=Failed to close session
# Id: 224015
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Caught XA exception
caughtXaException=Caught XA exception
# Id: 224016
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Caught exception
caughtException=Caught exception
# Id: 224017
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Invalid packet {0}
invalidPacket=Invalid packet {0}
# Id: 224018
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Failed to create session
failedToCreateSession=Failed to create session
# Id: 224019
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Failed to reattach session
failedToReattachSession=Failed to reattach session
# Id: 224020
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Failed to handle create queue
failedToHandleCreateQueue=Failed to handle create queue
# Id: 224021
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Failed to decode packet
errorDecodingPacket=Failed to decode packet
# Id: 224022
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Failed to execute failure listener
errorCallingFailureListener=Failed to execute failure listener
# Id: 224024
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Stomp Error, tx already exist! {0}
stompErrorTXExists=Stomp Error, tx already exist! {0}
# Id: 224026
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Cannot create stomp ping frame due to encoding problem.
errorOnStompPingFrame=Cannot create stomp ping frame due to encoding problem.
# Id: 224027
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Failed to write to handler on invm connector {0}
errorWritingToInvmConnector=Failed to write to handler on invm connector {0}
# Id: 224028
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Failed to stop acceptor
errorStoppingAcceptor=Failed to stop acceptor
# Id: 224029
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: large message sync: largeMessage instance is incompatible with it, ignoring data
largeMessageIncompatible=large message sync: largeMessage instance is incompatible with it, ignoring data
# Id: 224030
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Could not cancel reference {0}
errorCancellingRefOnBridge=Could not cancel reference {0}
# Id: 224031
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: -------------------------------Stomp begin tx: {0}
stompBeginTX=-------------------------------Stomp begin tx: {0}
# Id: 224032
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Failed to pause bridge
errorPausingBridge=Failed to pause bridge
# Id: 224033
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Failed to broadcast connector configs
errorBroadcastingConnectorConfigs=Failed to broadcast connector configs
# Id: 224034
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Failed to close consumer
errorClosingConsumer=Failed to close consumer
# Id: 224035
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Failed to close cluster connection flow record
errorClosingFlowRecord=Failed to close cluster connection flow record
# Id: 224036
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Failed to update cluster connection topology
errorUpdatingTopology=Failed to update cluster connection topology
# Id: 224037
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: cluster connection Failed to handle message
errorHandlingMessage=cluster connection Failed to handle message
# Id: 224038
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Failed to ack old reference
errorAckingOldReference=Failed to ack old reference
# Id: 224039
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Failed to expire message reference
errorExpiringRef=Failed to expire message reference
# Id: 224040
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Failed to remove consumer
errorRemovingConsumer=Failed to remove consumer
# Id: 224041
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Failed to deliver
errorDelivering=Failed to deliver
# Id: 224042
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Error while restarting the backup server: {0}
errorRestartingBackupServer=Error while restarting the backup server: {0}
# Id: 224043
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Failed to send forced delivery message
errorSendingForcedDelivery=Failed to send forced delivery message
# Id: 224044
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: error acknowledging message
errorAckingMessage=error acknowledging message
# Id: 224045
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Failed to run large message deliverer
errorRunningLargeMessageDeliverer=Failed to run large message deliverer
# Id: 224046
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Exception while browser handled from {0}
errorBrowserHandlingMessage=Exception while browser handled from {0}
# Id: 224047
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Failed to delete large message file
errorDeletingLargeMessageFile=Failed to delete large message file
# Id: 224048
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Failed to remove temporary queue {0}
errorRemovingTempQueue=Failed to remove temporary queue {0}
# Id: 224049
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Cannot find consumer with id {0}
cannotFindConsumer=Cannot find consumer with id {0}
# Id: 224050
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Failed to close connection {0}
errorClosingConnection=Failed to close connection {0}
# Id: 224051
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Failed to call notification listener
errorCallingNotifListener=Failed to call notification listener
# Id: 224052
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Unable to call Hierarchical Repository Change Listener
errorCallingRepoListener=Unable to call Hierarchical Repository Change Listener
# Id: 224053
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: failed to timeout transaction, xid:{0}
errorTimingOutTX=failed to timeout transaction, xid:{0}
# Id: 224054
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: exception while stopping the replication manager
errorStoppingReplicationManager=exception while stopping the replication manager
# Id: 224055
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Bridge Failed to ack
bridgeFailedToAck=Bridge Failed to ack
# Id: 224056
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Live server will not fail-back automatically
autoFailBackDenied=Live server will not fail-back automatically
# Id: 224057
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Backup server that requested fail-back was not announced. Server will not stop for fail-back.
failbackMissedBackupAnnouncement=Backup server that requested fail-back was not announced. Server will not stop for fail-back.
# Id: 224058
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Stopping ClusterManager. As it failed to authenticate with the cluster: {0}
clusterManagerAuthenticati=Stopping ClusterManager. As it failed to authenticate with the cluster: {0}
# Id: 224059
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Invalid cipher suite specified. Supported cipher suites are: {0}
invalidCipherSuite=Invalid cipher suite specified. Supported cipher suites are: {0}
# Id: 224060
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Invalid protocol specified. Supported protocols are: {0}
invalidProtocol=Invalid protocol specified. Supported protocols are: {0}
# Id: 224069
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Could not contact group handler coordinator after 10 retries, message being routed without grouping information
impossibleToRouteGrouped=Could not contact group handler coordinator after 10 retries, message being routed without grouping information
# Id: 224063
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Failed to close consumer connections for address {0}
failedToCloseConsumerConnectionsForAddress=Failed to close consumer connections for address {0}
# This file is for reference only, changes have no effect on the generated interface implementations.
# Id: 129000
# Message: Connection Factory {0} does not exist
cfDoesntExist=Connection Factory {0} does not exist
# Id: 129001
# Message: Invalid signature {0} parsing Connection Factory
invalidSignatureParsingCF=Invalid signature {0} parsing Connection Factory
# Id: 129002
# Message: Invalid node {0} parsing Connection Factory
invalidNodeParsingCF=Invalid node {0} parsing Connection Factory
# Id: 129003
# Message: Discovery Group ''{0}'' does not exist on main config
discoveryGroupDoesntExist=Discovery Group ''{0}'' does not exist on main config
# Id: 129004
# Message: No Connector name configured on create ConnectionFactory
noConnectorNameOnCF=No Connector name configured on create ConnectionFactory
# Id: 129005
# Message: Connector ''{0}'' not found on the main configuration file
noConnectorNameConfiguredOnCF=Connector ''{0}'' not found on the main configuration file
# Id: 129006
# Message: JNDI {0} is already being used by another connection factory
cfJndiExists=JNDI {0} is already being used by another connection factory
# Id: 129007
# Message: Error decoding password using codec instance
errorDecodingPassword=Error decoding password using codec instance
# This file is for reference only, changes have no effect on the generated interface implementations.
# Id: 121000
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Failed to set up JMS bridge connections. Most probably the source or target servers are unavailable. Will retry after a pause of {0} ms
failedToSetUpBridge=Failed to set up JMS bridge connections. Most probably the source or target servers are unavailable. Will retry after a pause of {0} ms
# Id: 121001
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: JMS Bridge Succeeded in reconnecting to servers
bridgeReconnected=JMS Bridge Succeeded in reconnecting to servers
# Id: 121002
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Succeeded in connecting to servers
bridgeConnected=Succeeded in connecting to servers
# Id: 121003
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: JMS Server Manager Running cached command for {0}
serverRunningCachedCommand=JMS Server Manager Running cached command for {0}
# Id: 121004
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: JMS Server Manager Caching command for {0} since the JMS Server is not active yet
serverCachingCommand=JMS Server Manager Caching command for {0} since the JMS Server is not active yet
# Id: 121005
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Invalid "host" value "" detected for "{0}" connector. Switching to "{1}". If this new address is incorrect please manually configure the connector to use the proper one.
invalidHostForConnector=Invalid "host" value "" detected for "{0}" connector. Switching to "{1}". If this new address is incorrect please manually configure the connector to use the proper one.
# Id: 122000
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Attempt to start JMS Bridge, but is already started
errorBridgeAlreadyStarted=Attempt to start JMS Bridge, but is already started
# Id: 122001
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Failed to start JMS Bridge
errorStartingBridge=Failed to start JMS Bridge
# Id: 122002
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Failed to unregisted JMS Bridge {0}
errorUnregisteringBridge=Failed to unregisted JMS Bridge {0}
# Id: 122003
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: JMS Bridge unable to set up connections, bridge will be stopped
errorConnectingBridge=JMS Bridge unable to set up connections, bridge will be stopped
# Id: 122004
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: JMS Bridge Will retry after a pause of {0} ms
bridgeRetry=JMS Bridge Will retry after a pause of {0} ms
# Id: 122005
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: JMS Bridge unable to set up connections, bridge will not be started
bridgeNotStarted=JMS Bridge unable to set up connections, bridge will not be started
# Id: 122006
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Detected failure on bridge connection
bridgeFailure=Detected failure on bridge connection
# Id: 122007
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Queue {0} does not exist on the topic {1}. It was deleted manually probably.
noQueueOnTopic=Queue {0} does not exist on the topic {1}. It was deleted manually probably.
# Id: 122008
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: XA Recovery can not connect to any hornetq server on recovery {0}
recoveryConnectFailed=XA Recovery can not connect to any hornetq server on recovery {0}
# Id: 122009
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: JMS Bridge failed to send + acknowledge batch, closing JMS objects
bridgeAckError=JMS Bridge failed to send + acknowledge batch, closing JMS objects
# Id: 122010
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Failed to connect JMS Bridge
bridgeConnectError=Failed to connect JMS Bridge
# Id: 122011
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: error unbinding {0} from JNDI
jndiUnbindError=error unbinding {0} from JNDI
# Id: 122012
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: JMS Server Manager error
jmsServerError=JMS Server Manager error
# Id: 122013
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error in XA Recovery recover
xaRecoverError=Error in XA Recovery recover
# Id: 122014
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Notified of connection failure in xa recovery connectionFactory for provider {0} will attempt reconnect on next pass
xaRecoverConnecti=Notified of connection failure in xa recovery connectionFactory for provider {0} will attempt reconnect on next pass
# Id: 122015
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Can not connect to {0} on auto-generated resource recovery
xaRecoverAutoConnecti=Can not connect to {0} on auto-generated resource recovery
# Id: 122016
# Level: Logger.Level.DEBUG
# Message: Error in XA Recovery
xaRecoveryError=Error in XA Recovery
# Id: 122017
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Tried to correct invalid "host" value "" for "{0}" connector, but received an exception.
failedToCorrectHost=Tried to correct invalid "host" value "" for "{0}" connector, but received an exception.
# Id: 122018
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Could not start recovery discovery on {0}, we will retry every recovery scan until the server is available
xaRecoveryStartError=Could not start recovery discovery on {0}, we will retry every recovery scan until the server is available
# Id: 124000
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: key attribute missing for JMS configuration {0}
jmsConfigMissingKey=key attribute missing for JMS configuration {0}
# Id: 124001
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Failed to start source connection
jmsBridgeSrcConnectError=Failed to start source connection
# Id: 124002
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Failed to start JMS deployer
jmsDeployerStartError=Failed to start JMS deployer
# This file is for reference only, changes have no effect on the generated interface implementations.
# Id: 149000
# Message: failed to rename file {0} to {1}
ioRenameFileError=failed to rename file {0} to {1}
# Id: 149001
# Message: Journal data belong to a different version
journalDifferentVersion=Journal data belong to a different version
# Id: 149002
# Message: Journal files version mismatch. You should export the data from the previous version and import it as explained on the user's manual
journalFileMisMatch=Journal files version mismatch. You should export the data from the previous version and import it as explained on the user's manual
# Id: 149003
# Message: File not opened
fileNotOpened=File not opened
# This file is for reference only, changes have no effect on the generated interface implementations.
# Id: 141000
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: *** running direct journal blast: {0}
runningJournalBlast=*** running direct journal blast: {0}
# Id: 141002
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: starting thread for sync speed test
startingThread=starting thread for sync speed test
# Id: 141003
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Write rate = {0} bytes / sec or {1} MiB / sec
writeRate=Write rate = {0} bytes / sec or {1} MiB / sec
# Id: 141004
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Flush rate = {0} flushes / sec
flushRate=Flush rate = {0} flushes / sec
# Id: 141005
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Check Data Files:
checkFiles=Check Data Files:
# Id: 141006
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Sequence out of order on journal
seqOutOfOrder=Sequence out of order on journal
# Id: 141007
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Current File on the journal is <= the sequence file.getFileID={0} on the dataFiles
Currentfile.getFileId={1} while the file.getFileID()={2}
Is same = ({3})
currentFile=Current File on the journal is <= the sequence file.getFileID={0} on the dataFiles
Currentfile.getFileId={1} while the file.getFileID()={2}
Is same = ({3})
# Id: 141008
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: Free File ID out of order
fileIdOutOfOrder=Free File ID out of order
# Id: 141009
# Level: Logger.Level.INFO
# Message: A Free File is less than the maximum data
fileTooSmall=A Free File is less than the maximum data
# Id: 142000
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: You have a native library with a different version than expected
incompatibleNativeLibrary=You have a native library with a different version than expected
# Id: 142001
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Could not get lock after 60 seconds on closing Asynchronous File: {0}
couldNotGetLock=Could not get lock after 60 seconds on closing Asynchronous File: {0}
# Id: 142002
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Asynchronous File: {0} being finalized with opened state
fileFinalizedWhileOpen=Asynchronous File: {0} being finalized with opened state
# Id: 142003
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: AIO Callback Error: {0}
callbackError=AIO Callback Error: {0}
# Id: 142004
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Inconsistency during compacting: CommitRecord ID = {0} for an already committed transaction during compacting
inconsistencyDuringCompacting=Inconsistency during compacting: CommitRecord ID = {0} for an already committed transaction during compacting
# Id: 142005
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Inconsistency during compacting: Delete record being read on an existent record (id={0})
inconsistencyDuringCompactingDelete=Inconsistency during compacting: Delete record being read on an existent record (id={0})
# Id: 142006
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Could not find add Record information for record {0} during compacting
compactingWithNoAddRecord=Could not find add Record information for record {0} during compacting
# Id: 142007
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Can not find record {0} during compact replay
noRecordDuringCompactReplay=Can not find record {0} during compact replay
# Id: 142008
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Could not remove file {0} from the list of data files
couldNotRemoveFile=Could not remove file {0} from the list of data files
# Id: 142009
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Deleting {0} as it does not have the configured size
deletingFile=Deleting {0} as it does not have the configured size
# Id: 142010
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Failed to add file to opened files queue: {0}. This should NOT happen!
failedToAddFile=Failed to add file to opened files queue: {0}. This should NOT happen!
# Id: 142011
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error on reading compacting for {0}
compactReadError=Error on reading compacting for {0}
# Id: 142012
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Couldn''t find tx={0} to merge after compacting
compactMergeError=Couldn''t find tx={0} to merge after compacting
# Id: 142013
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Prepared transaction {0} was not considered completed, it will be ignored
preparedTXIncomplete=Prepared transaction {0} was not considered completed, it will be ignored
# Id: 142014
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Transaction {0} is missing elements so the transaction is being ignored
txMissingElements=Transaction {0} is missing elements so the transaction is being ignored
# Id: 142015
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Uncommitted transaction with id {0} found and discarded
uncomittedTxFound=Uncommitted transaction with id {0} found and discarded
# Id: 142016
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Couldn''t stop compactor executor after 120 seconds
couldNotStopCompactor=Couldn''t stop compactor executor after 120 seconds
# Id: 142017
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Couldn''t stop journal executor after 60 seconds
couldNotStopJournalExecutor=Couldn''t stop journal executor after 60 seconds
# Id: 142018
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Temporary files were left unnatended after a crash on journal directory, deleting invalid files now
tempFilesLeftOpen=Temporary files were left unnatended after a crash on journal directory, deleting invalid files now
# Id: 142019
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Deleting orphaned file {0}
deletingOrphanedFile=Deleting orphaned file {0}
# Id: 142020
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Couldn''t get lock after 60 seconds on closing Asynchronous File: {0}
errorClosingFile.1=Couldn''t get lock after 60 seconds on closing Asynchronous File: {0}
# Id: 142021
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error on IO callback, {0}
errorOnIOCallback=Error on IO callback, {0}
# Id: 142022
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Timed out on AIO poller shutdown
timeoutOnPollerShutdown=Timed out on AIO poller shutdown
# Id: 142023
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Executor on file {0} couldn''t complete its tasks in 60 seconds.
couldNotCompleteTask=Executor on file {0} couldn''t complete its tasks in 60 seconds.
# Id: 142024
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error completing callback
errorCompletingCallback=Error completing callback
# Id: 142025
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error calling callback
errorCallingErrorCallback=Error calling callback
# Id: 142026
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Timed out on AIO writer shutdown
timeoutOnWriterShutdown=Timed out on AIO writer shutdown
# Id: 142027
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error on writing data! {0} code - {1}
errorWritingData=Error on writing data! {0} code - {1}
# Id: 142028
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error replaying pending commands after compacting
errorReplayingCommands=Error replaying pending commands after compacting
# Id: 142029
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error closing file
errorClosingFile.0=Error closing file
# Id: 142030
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Could not open a file in 60 Seconds
errorOpeningFile=Could not open a file in 60 Seconds
# Id: 142031
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error retrieving ID part of the file name {0}
errorRetrievingID=Error retrieving ID part of the file name {0}
# Id: 142032
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error reading journal file
errorReadingFile=Error reading journal file
# Id: 142033
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Error reinitializing file {0}
errorReinitializingFile=Error reinitializing file {0}
# Id: 142034
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Exception on submitting write
errorSubmittingWrite=Exception on submitting write
# Id: 144000
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Failed to delete file {0}
errorDeletingFile=Failed to delete file {0}
# Id: 144001
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Error starting poller
errorStartingPoller=Error starting poller
# Id: 144002
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Error pushing opened file
errorPushingFile=Error pushing opened file
# Id: 144003
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Error compacting
errorCompacting=Error compacting
# Id: 144004
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Error scheduling compacting
errorSchedulingCompacting=Error scheduling compacting
# Id: 144005
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: Failed to performance blast
failedToPerfBlast=Failed to performance blast
# Id: 144006
# Level: Logger.Level.ERROR
# Message: IOError code {0}, {1}
ioError=IOError code {0}, {1}
# This file is for reference only, changes have no effect on the generated interface implementations.
# Id: 209000
# Message: invalid property: {0}
invalidProperty=invalid property: {0}
# Id: 209001
# Message: Invalid type: {0}
invalidType=Invalid type: {0}
# Id: 209002
# Message: the specified string is too long ({0})
stringTooLong=the specified string is too long ({0})
# Id: 209003
# Message: Error instantiating codec {0}
errorCreatingCodec=Error instantiating codec {0}
# This file is for reference only, changes have no effect on the generated interface implementations.
# Id: 202000
# Level: Logger.Level.WARN
# Message: Missing privileges to set Thread Context Class Loader on Thread Factory. Using current Thread Context Class Loader
missingPrivsForClassloader=Missing privileges to set Thread Context Class Loader on Thread Factory. Using current Thread Context Class Loader